Solutions to problems I didn’t know I had

Bonnie Allie

Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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Getting a giggle from some of my Facebook ads as there seems to be some amazing products I can buy for my horse to solve just about anything I want - even things I didn’t know needed solving.

My favourite today is a gut product that claims the second largest killer of horses is gut problems.

Yes, I was a smart Alec and posted a question asking for their Dara source for this claim.

What is your favourite unsubstantiated claim or powder/piece of equipment claiming to solve problems?

I must add though I have quite a selection of girths that claimed to help sensitive horses. I found however post quality training, my mare wasn’t actually sensitive, I was just riding badly
28 February 2011
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There's one that popped up on mine saying it was a miracle tendon rebuilder. I can't for the life of me remember what it was called but it claimed it would cut healing time by 75% and the tendon would be a lot stronger for using this supplement.