Someone I know killed from a fall from her horse.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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yes, im afraid if it were up to me i dont think i would ride anymore. but i cant keep away. my husband hates the horses and i have a 9yrs daughter. god id hate myself for infilticing pain on them.

i knew vere phillips and when polly died he was destraught and furious..naturaly, after all if someone had bothered to be nice to her and NOT make her out to be a liar then shed still be here. it was her determination to prove her inocense that killed her. i beieve thatshe didnt dope the horse, she didnt need to.
and then a few months later a friend died from a fall out XC - this was ok by me though as they found out he had cancer on his spine and only had a short while to live... better die when enjoying yourself than in pain and drugged up.

so there both ends of the scale. one grateful (??) death and one needless wastefull death.