Someone please help me pick a yard - WWYD?


Well-Known Member
6 April 2007
West Mids
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I'm driving myself insane here. Current yard is no longer an option due to cost and rigid stabling. I have a 4yo that is in the process of being broken in, but will essentially be turned away for a lot of winter, so I want him living out as much as possible.

Option A: DIY, £25pw. 9 miles from home, 10 miles from work. Stable is included in price to use, but can be left out 24/7/365 with no issues. Own paddocks, but I do know two others on the yard and we are able to open up paddocks between us (and split chores / days) - pone would probably have one other in with him, potentially one more. Amazing hacking, bridleways, quiet lanes, would probably be able to start him hacking before winter sets in. Rubber floodlit school, plenty of storage, all electric fenced. Only 7 other horses on the yard, very quiet.

Option B: Grass livery, £20pw. 2 miles from home, 7.5 miles from work. No stable, horses in same sex herds. 13 horses on yard, likely to only be a couple left out over winter though. Basic school to use, storage, on a main road and hacking not great, mainly post and rail but some sheep wire, YO claims this will be taken down though. Current YO only been there since June.

Option C: Grass livery, £12.50 a week. 7 miles from home, 2 miles from work. No facilities but off road hacking, own paddock so although he'd be able to see horses over electric tape, he'd be on his own. Electric fenced.

Quickfire - which would you pick? I was leaning towards A, but I'm not sure over the distance and the 2-in-a-paddock deal. Hmm. Help!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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A. Sounds exactly like mine ! As a rough guide I have the same travelling distances and it takes around 20mins. That is the only gripe I have with it however.


Well-Known Member
17 January 2013
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See the right yard /people can make all the difference .. You can have the best yard in the world but if its full of nasty people .. It can really get u down .. So I would say yard A because u know people there and they can see to pony if maybe u can't get there or running late .. Plus no never know when u may need a stable !! Say ur pony cuts his leg badly or something .. So that would also sway me .. Also do your friends hack ? As I'm guessing u will want someone to hack with ;) ..I'm lazy and like mine close to home .. But I would compromise if I found what I was looking for ;) A for me too


Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Definatly A, especially if they are willing to help. Having a stable always helps, if something goes wrong (abscess, mud fever etc) or even just to bring him in to feed and brush off

Nice quiet hacking, great for starting, sounds like nice people, which is sooooo important, and a school.

If you can get to doing the travel outside busy times, the travel wont be that bad.