Sorry a weight question :-/


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4 September 2008
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Will probably regret asking this! lol

But this is my 20 year old boy (the pony not the rider! the rider is my son who is nearly 12!), the pony is ex riding school, so quite fit (although has done a lot of miles!) currently used for hacking out only 2-3 times a week, passported at 14hh.... so in your opinion what weight would he comfortably carry?


(Not an expert at posting pics so hope it works!)



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10 June 2011
Birmingham, UK
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Can't see the pic as the photobucket app is having a moment!

I believe the 'rule' is generally a stone per hand.

(to post pics put
after the 'direct link' :) faracat has instructions in her Sig but i can't remember how to change on PB)
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3 February 2010
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The accepted maximum any horse or pony (age, fitness, conformation and health will reduce this number) can carry is 20% of their weight.


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25 November 2011
South Africa
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IMO - A stone per hand is ridiculous. By that rule a 10hh Shetland should be able to carry someone that ways 10 stones??? Or a 7hh Falabella someone that weighs 7 stones?

I think realistically at that age and height - about 50kgs max (hope my conversion is right, but that should be about 7.9 stones?)


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19 April 2009
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Your son looks a good size on the pony. Wouldn't want anyone that much bigger on him - agree with the poster above who mentioned 7 and a bit stones. If he is only hacking a few times/week he won't be at RS fitness any more (and at his age that is fine!).


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4 September 2008
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I have only had him a couple of months and he was working up to the day I took him home, and I have exercised him as regularly as possible to keep him fit.

I was very surprised to see someone put 7 and a bit stones (my son must be at least this weight if not more!) as a comfortable weight for him to carry as he is a cobby type 14hh (ok he is 20 but where am I going to get a adult rider at 7 1/2 stones that can give him a good stretch? which I will add he loves a good canter and even a gallop and I would love to see at child try and stop him if he took off lol .... :-$ )

I was expecting comments of around the 11 - 12 stones ....... but I suppose thats the danger of asking weight questions.... there is lots of differences of opinions....

Got the vet and back specialist coming out this week so will prob get advice from them as they will see him in the flesh, as photos can be hard to judge and I am more confused than ever!

Thanks for all your comments :)

Your son looks a good size on the pony. Wouldn't want anyone that much bigger on him - agree with the poster above who mentioned 7 and a bit stones. If he is only hacking a few times/week he won't be at RS fitness any more (and at his age that is fine!).


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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At 14hh I reckon he could carry a fair bit more than your son (who I'd say looks quite small on him at the moment!). If he were mine, I'd probably ride him and I'm over 11 stone ;)


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8 April 2010
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At 14hh I reckon he could carry a fair bit more than your son (who I'd say looks quite small on him at the moment!). If he were mine, I'd probably ride him and I'm over 11 stone ;)

I totally agree with JFTD, he looks more than capable of carrying 11/12 stone. Someone said 7.5 stone, that is ridiculous!


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1 December 2011
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I'm another one who would say he could carry 11/12 stone easily as long as there are no underlying health problems. The 'stone a hand' tends to be used for old fashioned type pure bred native ponies. I would certainly say your pony is capable of carrying more than 7 1/2 stone.:)


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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Your son looks perfect on him : )
I wouldn't ask the pony to carry more than 10 stone. He doesn't have a lot of bone, so although you describe him as "heavy" I don't see him as that type, in his limbs.
He is 20 - I'd be keen to preserve a nice pony to do it's job, rather than do weight carrying, at his age.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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IMO - A stone per hand is ridiculous. By that rule a 10hh Shetland should be able to carry someone that ways 10 stones??? Or a 7hh Falabella someone that weighs 7 stones?

I think realistically at that age and height - about 50kgs max (hope my conversion is right, but that should be about 7.9 stones?)

Really QoC? A strong stocky 14hh should only carry under eight stone? :eek3:

I'd better stop riding Mollie then! :D

By the way, he's gorgeous. Love the tail. :)


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4 September 2008
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Thank you FionaM12 He is my dream pony, couldn't believe it when I was asked if I wanted him!! His tail is just wonderful love the white and black in it :)



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27 October 2011
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i genuwinly believe its dependant on the bone, conformation, sometimes the height, build and breed of the horse, some ponies can hold more weight than some others i.e one with bone will hold more than one with out, if some one is too heavy the pony will not tolorate the weight, will try its damndest to do the job its asked but any good horse owner will know its struggling, i.e grunting, fitness seems off, balance is off, general struggling... some may even throw you?

i personally feel i weigh to much for my boy, but hes happy as larry and on his toes when we hack, looking around, no grunting, normal sweat, no dragging his feet, personal oppinion and horses personal oppinon says it all! (and my horse aint fit!)

im sure you as a good owner will know whats too much for the pony! x


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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With regard to getting pony some more adventurous outings there are plenty of PC kids/light teens who will be able to do that for you :)

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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It is purely dependent on how the horse reacts to someone riding him if his normal gait is interfered with, the rider is unbalanced and unbalancing the horse, fitness level and of course conformation. From the picture he could carry your boy and his mate for hours as the lad is only just big enough to be riding him. I hate to see overhorsed kids the fashion for 11 year old to be riding 16.2 thoroughbreds is a nasty accident waiting to happen regardless of the years of experience of the child they are simply not strong and balanced enough for it


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3 August 2010
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I'd say about 11 1/2 stone. how much does the pony weigh? if the riders weight is no more than 15% of the horses weight then its ok, or put another way, rider dressed to ride, hat coat etc and saddle no more than 20% of the horses weight.
The stone per hh thing is bonkers. I have a 15.2 who could carry no more than 10 stone as quite fine and a cob same height who could cary 15 stone, so its the horse type/bone not the height which is important.


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4 September 2008
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I wish I could but he is not that kind of pony...... thats why he was sold from the riding school as he was not a childs pony and would not partake in any fun things kids wanted to do!.... he is a happy hacker (that currently naps! and to find any young rider that could cope with that without getting frustrated with him I think would be hard to find :( )

With regard to getting pony some more adventurous outings there are plenty of PC kids/light teens who will be able to do that for you :)


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4 September 2008
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I weighed a couple of weeks ago and with the tape and formula it came out at 415kg..... but does not look like it in the pic :)

I'd say about 11 1/2 stone. how much does the pony weigh? if the riders weight is no more than 15% of the horses weight then its ok, or put another way, rider dressed to ride, hat coat etc and saddle no more than 20% of the horses weight.
The stone per hh thing is bonkers. I have a 15.2 who could carry no more than 10 stone as quite fine and a cob same height who could cary 15 stone, so its the horse type/bone not the height which is important.


Well-Known Member
3 February 2010
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The absolute maximum is 20% and that includes tack and clothing so 12.5 stone... Which would be about an 11stone rider max. At the ponies age I would say 10stone rider max.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I weighed a couple of weeks ago and with the tape and formula it came out at 415kg..... but does not look like it in the pic :)

Weight tapes are largely inaccurate, particularly on cobby types. I bet if you weighed him properly, he'd come out nearer 500. That's why you should never rely on weigh tapes for dosages of wormers / drugs!