Soulder in


Well-Known Member
18 December 2006

Can some one please tell me the correct aids for this?



Well-Known Member
14 February 2005
The Shroom
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It's best to start with a 10m circle to get the horse round your inside leg. As you come off the circle his shoulders will naturally be where you want them to be. Your inside legs should be on the girth and your outside slightly behind as if riding a circle. But, to be honest I wouldn't do it on your own without an experienced person on the ground as it's very easily ridden badly i.e just bending the neck and not the body.


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13 September 2004
Milton Keynes
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We accidentally ended up doing this in my last lesson. Think of it more as catching the inside hind and making it step right across under his belly, as you go round a corner, so that it's really having to work hard. If you can do that and not let him escape by sliding outwards away from your leg (Ronnie will try that), then I found I could quite easily maintain it up the long side, which was a very smart shoulder-fore/shoulder-in. Much easier than trying to do it the conventional way!


Well-Known Member
18 August 2007
East Midlands
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Establish a bend (approx (12metres) moving forward, lets say, in walk. So currently you are moving along, in rhythm with your outside rein nice and firm, your inside rein, not too much but asking for the bend in, your outside leg a tiny bit back and nothing much else.

To commence the shoulder in, take a blocking feel on the outside rein, at the same time begin to drive the horse outwards, with the inside leg, push him across, so that he has to step out into the outside rein and shoulder, the outside rein should now give enough to allow this new direction, all the outside rein had inititally to do was tell the horse to stop going in the direction it was going, but now, when the penny drops, it should be less blocking. The horse will usually try to unbend when its new to this, so you have to maintain the bend with all two hands and two legs, but that's just for the first one or two goes!

Whe you achieve a couple of steps sideways, unbend, reward and go straight and trot on, then try it again once you have got the horse to feel relaxed again.

The main thing is to get the horse to realise not to go on forwards in the way it was and commence going sideways, so, push sideways with the inside leg, and stop the forward movement with the outside rein but give it again a little when it goes sideways.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2006
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Establish a bend (approx (12metres) moving forward, lets say, in walk. So currently you are moving along, in rhythm with your outside rein nice and firm, your inside rein, not too much but asking for the bend in, your outside leg a tiny bit back and nothing much else.

To commence the shoulder in, take a blocking feel on the outside rein, at the same time begin to drive the horse outwards, with the inside leg, push him across, so that he has to step out into the outside rein and shoulder, the outside rein should now give enough to allow this new direction, all the outside rein had inititally to do was tell the horse to stop going in the direction it was going, but now, when the penny drops, it should be less blocking. The horse will usually try to unbend when its new to this, so you have to maintain the bend with all two hands and two legs, but that's just for the first one or two goes!

Whe you achieve a couple of steps sideways, unbend, reward and go straight and trot on, then try it again once you have got the horse to feel relaxed again.

The main thing is to get the horse to realise not to go on forwards in the way it was and commence going sideways, so, push sideways with the inside leg, and stop the forward movement with the outside rein but give it again a little when it goes sideways.

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Im confused that sounds like leg yield ??? xxx