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My horse came up with a hard lump on his front inside cannon bone, just above the fetlock. It felt attached to that little nodule (what I assume is the button on the splint bone?). It’s cold, slight swelling on first day but now going down, no lameness, doesn’t mind it being pushed hard. I called my vet and they said maybe a knock or splint but didn’t push for an x-Ray. I’ve never encountered a splint this low before which is throwing me off. Have you seen anything like this before? Would you agree a splint? I’ve cold hosed twice a day for 20 mins and have stopped riding for the past week to be safer . Been having turnout as usual and is not lame when cantering about in the field or on the concrete when I trot him up. Any advice? Photo of day 1 and then 4 days later and the last one 5 days later. Thanks!