Spraying fields with a quad - help & advice, please...!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2005
N Beds
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Now that I'm the proud owner of a quad, I have decided that it can do other stuff apart from grading the school. I have 4 acres of sloping clay & usually spray it with Graze On a few times a year - it is quite weedy as before we moved here it was just a huge unkempt wilderness garden. I have been using a knapsack sprayer which is jolly hard work!

Anyway, I was thinking of buying something like this, but it says it's '12 volt'. TRACTOR, LANDY, QUAD BIKE SPRAYER 12V 98 LITRES - free shipping -phone card pay | eBay What does this mean, i.e. the12 volt bit? What would I have to do to make it work? Is the whole endeavour likely to be more of a faff than just using the knapsack (but it does hurt my back & takes ages). All advice appreciated!


Well-Known Member
24 December 2021
Wet and windy Pennines
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Hmm sounds a bit of a hard sell doesn't it? I think I would Google 'ATV crop sprayer' and see what turns up. Farmer's Guardian might be a better source, if you are paying by card over the phone, he isn't dealing through eBay and you may not have any redress if it goes wrong.

Lady Jane

Well-Known Member
1 September 2019
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Now that I'm the proud owner of a quad, I have decided that it can do other stuff apart from grading the school. I have 4 acres of sloping clay & usually spray it with Graze On a few times a year - it is quite weedy as before we moved here it was just a huge unkempt wilderness garden. I have been using a knapsack sprayer which is jolly hard work!

Anyway, I was thinking of buying something like this, but it says it's '12 volt'. TRACTOR, LANDY, QUAD BIKE SPRAYER 12V 98 LITRES - free shipping -phone card pay | eBay What does this mean, i.e. the12 volt bit? What would I have to do to make it work? Is the whole endeavour likely to be more of a faff than just using the knapsack (but it does hurt my back & takes ages). All advice appreciated!

I had a look at the ad. Why don't you phone them ot google the make of the product. I'm guessing you need to attach it to the quad battery but I have no idea if a quad has a 12v battery even though I own a quad. 4 acres with a knapsack sprayer even if you sit in the trailer must be hard work as there will be a lot of pumping. I'll be watching this thread with interest.....


Well-Known Member
12 March 2005
N Beds
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Thank you for all the ideas! O/h is a lot older than me, scared of the quad & about as much use as a chocolate fireguard!

It's the battery bit that's baffling me. I know how to charge the lorry battery, but I don't really like faffing about with cables & couldn't be bothered having to have a charged battery every time I wanted to go spraying... There are nettles springing up everywhere & also we had a tennis court sized bramble removed a few years ago that is desperate to grow back & I am obsessive about blasting everything that looks like a bramble the second it emerges... I am going to have to go spraying soon as I can't be looking at nettles while I'm poo picking...!


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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12v means it connects to a quad. You may need the sprayer or quad people to marry the two together so you have a control system.
You may struggle to buy the spray without certification but if you are already getting it from somewhere and they are happy to continue then no one will actually turn up to check you are legal.
Technically you need a certificate to buy the spray in bulk.

From OH.

From me… please ensure you follow best spray practice at all times, do it at dusk and when there is zero wind.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2013
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Its quite easy, you just lift off the seat on the quad, then attach the wiring supplied to the battery terminals, put the seat back on and off you go.
Says me, who bought a sprayer last year and have not used it yet...


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Now that I'm the proud owner of a quad, I have decided that it can do other stuff apart from grading the school. I have 4 acres of sloping clay & usually spray it with Graze On a few times a year - it is quite weedy as before we moved here it was just a huge unkempt wilderness garden. I have been using a knapsack sprayer which is jolly hard work!

Anyway, I was thinking of buying something like this, but it says it's '12 volt'. TRACTOR, LANDY, QUAD BIKE SPRAYER 12V 98 LITRES - free shipping -phone card pay | eBay What does this mean, i.e. the12 volt bit? What would I have to do to make it work? Is the whole endeavour likely to be more of a faff than just using the knapsack (but it does hurt my back & takes ages). All advice appreciated!

Its basically a 12volt pump to pump the spray into the spraying boom arm. All you have to do is drive. The 12v cable should attach to your 12v ATV battery. You’ll soon figure it out. Unfortunately that listing of video review link doesnt work, so i cant tell you much more without better close-up pics/description of item.

Seller of that seems to encourage a couple of times ringing up and paying by card. paypal fees are silly but you get more protection. You can do chargeback with some credit cards, if theres an item problem…want a refund….but dont do direct bank transfer/debit card as thats a harder path to get refund, if you should need to, and small claims is the usual route.

Would be far easier than hand spraying for sure!


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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it will have crocodile clips to attach to the battery of your quad which will power the sprayer. It is a good idea in theory. Whether that particular one is a good idea no idea. I would google them and see what makes are available. If you youtube quad bike sprayer no doubt there will be some videos.

Before you buy one decide how much spray you are going to need and what make of spray then phone an agric merchant and make sure they will sell it to you.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2010
South East
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I can't remember which sprayer we bought for the quad as it was years ago, but it was a real game changer for Ragwort control. We now have someone who is licenced from her job source the spray and drive the quad but I'll admit we used it for a few years without a licence. I read up on all the best practice and we followed them. We were able to move to a proper spray rotation and now have wildflower meadows thriving in rested sections where before we just had ragwort and dock. So now we're following wildflower meadow best practice, to time the cutting etc. Once you can manage the land properly, it becomes quite a joy. We turned a horse-sour stressed 40 acres into three fields that are thriving. Worm counts down, herbs and flowers up, lami safe overseeding, etc!