Stable floor with no fall / drainage


New User
23 January 2022
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Hi there

Non-horse person here so be gentle. We had a stable built recently with the concrete put in by a local builder. Mentioned a few times about it needing a fall but it doesn't and it's a bit late now as everything has been built on the concrete.

This means that water pools at various points and there's actually a slight fall, if any, towards the back of the stable which makes cleaning out a bit tricky.

Any thoughts on how to give it some better drainage? My wondering is:

- hire a floor grinder and grind a sort of channel down the middle and then a little channel to each stable so that the water has a route out of each one and then down the middle to the door. OR
- drill a hole and fit a drainage cover at each point where the water pools / where the water needs to be brushed. Stick some sort of drainage cover over each hole and make sure they're not in areas where horse feet will go.

If anyone has any experience of this, I'd definitely appreciate some thoughts.



Normal, 10 cats ago
14 January 2008
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How much water are we talking about? Does the horse knock over a water bucket?
Could you put a small pipe at floor level through the wall at the pooling point - would that work?
First thought is if you put a drain with a cover in the stable the horse will find it and find some way to injure themselves with it.
My stables don't have a fall and I don't have any problems with water. In fact any stables I have had with a fall or drainage grooves are a bit annoying as the wee drains out into the passageway if not on absorbent bedding.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2012
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They make rubber mats with inbuilt drainage slope, I think I saw that on the Sagustu website (the ones that make the mudcontrol mats).


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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The concrete floor of my stable is uneven. The drainage is roughly to beside the door which is inconvenient and small pools would also form in the hollows. I have laid rubber mats and use a wood pellet bed with Pro Bed on top. The wettest bed is removed regualrly and some dry pellets put down. There is no need for special drainage.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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what bedding are you using? deep litter, less deep litter on rubber mats, fieldguard type of system which is mats with very little bedding.
If that stable was drained what would happen to the liquid when it got to the door? is this one stable or a block.

With the one area of one stable that I was unable to put a fall on I did resort to a channel to get t he liquid where I want it


New User
23 January 2022
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Thanks very much everyone. It's less in the stables and more in the wash down area and central aisle between the stables (it's an American barn style building with six stables and a 3m or so wide aisle up the middle. Cheers!