Starting a livery yard and business rates

Back with a bang

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4 October 2016
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Hi I haven’t posted on here in a while. I’m considering starting a small livery yard on the farm where I live. It would consist of 5 12‘ x 12‘ stables and a 12‘ x 12‘ tackroom. I also intend to build a 20 x 40m menage but that will only happen next year not this year. How much would you expect to pay for a stable and turnout per week.its a large field with a new ley.

im also wondering how I would fare with the business rates side of things and has anyone else been in a similar situation? The farm is predominantly beef cattle and sheep over about 200 acres and Also 40 acres arable.

any replies would be appreciated


Back with a bang

Well-Known Member
4 October 2016
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im in South Wales. I hadn’t decided yet whether to do DIY or part livery, what would be best? yes there would be turnout day time in winter and 24/7 in summer which seems to be the norm. Hacking is fab we have access to off road tracks and woodland.



Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Price will very much be dictated by what livery service you offer. Have you researched prices locally?

Back with a bang

Well-Known Member
4 October 2016
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I haven’t been on a livery yard for 10 years So I need to become familiar with the prices now. Theres a farm over the hill from us and they charge 25 per week for stable and turnout, no menage. How would you offer part livery? Turn horses out during week? I don’t know how it works.i guess the more services I offer, the more I will make.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2015
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Hi BWAB, I think what you are planning sounds exciting. I suppose what you offer will depend on how much time you have and what flexibility. Assisted DIY can be tailored to suit individuals or you can have a “set” package for part livery-or any alternatives that you are prepared to offer. I would be keeping prices reasonable and affordable but it needs to be worth your while.

Back with a bang

Well-Known Member
4 October 2016
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I’m available every morning so could do the turnout and I’m also available most evenings too So I could potentially do assisted DIY. My 4 horses are in in the day and out in the night all year round as that’s what suits me but i wouldn’t be happy with that arrangement for the liveries. I would rather in at night out in the day from Oct to March (weather permitting) and then 24/7 in summer if they want.

There’s so much to think about,we are having plans drawn up to apply for PP but we need a survey done first.
what are you guys paying or would pay for a stable and turnout with no menage but excellent hacking and a local equestian centre just a mile away. if you don’t mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
9 September 2010
The Wet West of Scotland
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I don't know about prices in your area but at that size I should imagine you would fall under the small business rates relief scheme to get 100% relief so wouldn't pay anything. It will depend on the rateable value of the stables and land associated with the business - you should be able to find the information with some digging via Google from the Valuation Board - it will be based on the area of the buidlings and the area of land - each will have a different rate applied to give your total rateable value. Obviously, when you add an arena it will increase the rateable value

sport horse

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23 January 2002
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Do you own the farm/are the tenant? If so you need to investigate whether the Farm Diversification Scheme is still in existence. I know one large livery yard near me was developed under this scheme and it meant the farmer did not need to get change of use planning permission for the land and buidings and there may well have been tax and rates advantages/grants etc.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Rather than just charging what everyone else is charging, it would make far more business sense to work out your costs, including rates, maintenance, insurance, cover for when you are not there/emergencies, electric, water, fencing, reseeding/pasture management, etc.add on your margin and cost from there. A business plan, in other words. Far, far too many livery yards are run as hobbioes and are not really viable businesses.

Back with a bang

Well-Known Member
4 October 2016
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Thanks for all your comments.

the farm is owned, so I will definitely look into this diversification scheme. We are doing this to bring in extra income for the farm as there isn’t much profit in farming. So yes it’s got to be a viable business option.

has anyone actually done this to their farm out of interest?



Well-Known Member
18 June 2005
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We have a large DIY livery yard on our beef/arable farm.
Do you make your own hay/haylage/straw, we include this in the price we charge £175 per month for stable, grazing, hay/haylage, straw included. We do have an outdoor all weather surface too.

Back with a bang

Well-Known Member
4 October 2016
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Mines a double - We make our own haylage and straw so that’s something we could look into providing all in. Do you mind me asking how much business rates do you pay per stable?
Kamikaze they could use the stables anytime in the summer, I just meant that turnout 24/7 would be available if wanted.