New User
Hello, I just wondered if anyone has had any similar issues to mine and what it may be? My horse has started turning round to nip when gently girthed but only sometimes. He also tries to nip if I gently press the sternum area between his front legs and just behind his shoulder blades higher up, it's worse on one side I think. Very new behaviour , the sweetest boy for the last few years so obviously pain. Fine to actually ride however I won't be riding him any further until I solve what's wrong. He lives a low stress lifestyle, out 24/7, plenty of hay, on acid ease as a preventive I thought? So I'm not sure if it's ulcers. Would you say it could be that or more likely saddle fit? I'm trying to find a fitter, he's a little over due for one their very hard to find in my area of north Wales. Thank you