Fais pas chier!
Took Goose to the vet on Thursday due to a short laceration. It probably needs 3-4 stitches having seen plenty of similar injuries over the years. The vet gave it a thorough clean, during which Goose was immobile (he’s very scared of being at the vet, despite nothing ever having happened to him bar a check up/vaccs). The vet is insisting on a general as this is apparently what they always do for stitching so the animal doesn’t move. Imo, this is a bit much. I’ve never heard of a general for stitches, except when Brig had multiple capsules full of infection along his back. It’s below his hock and quite superficial. If by a miracle it closes up by Monday-it’s vertical-it won’t need stitches.
I feel like a pita, but I don’t think it’s in his best interest to be under for such a minor procedure? Is it for the vet’s safety/avoiding needle stick injuries? I’m debating swapping back to the big practice, because of this and multiple other reasons. I’m tempted to register him at the big place on Monday and see what they say.
I feel like a pita, but I don’t think it’s in his best interest to be under for such a minor procedure? Is it for the vet’s safety/avoiding needle stick injuries? I’m debating swapping back to the big practice, because of this and multiple other reasons. I’m tempted to register him at the big place on Monday and see what they say.
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