Well-Known Member
Isn't that what HHO is for?
Thanks for all your replies Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to start a heated discussion!
Through talking to a livery at the yard, there seems to be a biomechanic riding-classical dressage type instructor who teaches in-hand dressage stuff, not a million miles away, so will investigate that. I've also been lent a biomechanic DVD and I've only watched like 30 minutes so far, but funnily enough, even with that 30 minutes there was a marked improvement in my horse's way of going
Unfortunately, I wasn't born into a horsey family and most of my teaching so far has focused on the 'kick it to go, pull it to stop and fiddle with your reins to make it go on the bit' - my current horse has taught me that's not acceptable to him & we've made great progress and more importantly, he's much happier, but it's always interesting to see what's out there, what you can learn and take away from