strange lumps/rash in lurcher's groin


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006
my 12 year old lurcher has suddenly got a really strange lumpy rash on the inside of his groin. it doesn;t seem itchy and he certainly is not scratching or biting it. It doesn;t seem painful if I touch it but it definitely looks odd. Very lumpy in small lumps. It looks like an allergic reaction to something but can't think of anything he could have come in to contact with. It is very localised into a 3 inch patch on his inner thigh and across to his sheath I am always reluctant to take him to the vet as he is so scared of vets he ends up having petit mal fits when I take him. Has anyone else seen an allergic reaction in this area.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2007
in bed...mostly!!!
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Has he been running through the long grass? our shaggy lurcher gets this, they look like little pustules in the groin area....we also found little eggs on him....we looked it up and it looked to be some kind of harvest mite.

We bathed him in Audex at the time to rule out sarcoptic mites as he had just come out of kennels and another dog tested positive for scabies, he cleared up, I also stronghold my dogs regurlarly to prevent mite infestations with me dealing with alot of dogs.

there are many different kind of mite and they generally only show any kind of symptoms when the dogs immune system is taxed.

As u suspect it could be a reaction to something, keep a close eye on it and maybe bathe with some salty water this is what my vet advised when my whippet had some red blistery lumps in her groin and it cleared up straight away, if it looks to be spreading then get him to the vet they may just put him n some anti B's and see if it clears before doing further tests.