Strangles outbreak Bedworth warwickshire


19 October 2014
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Hi, just wondering if anyone's heared of a confirmed strangles case in Bedworth warwickshire? I'm supposed to be leaving for weston lawns' April kick off show tomorrow, but have just heared this and am now concerned as to whether I need to pull out as I don't want to risk my horses!!

My head is telling be even if its true, weston lawns surely wouldn't still be running the show if it was even remotely concerning would they? Not as there's lots of horses on site staying the weekend!!

Thanks in advance for any replies!!


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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Ive had a link come up on my FB page via "strangles support group" saying there has been a confirmed outbreak in Bedworth, it doesn't say exactly where. Im sure if there was an issue at Weston Lawns they would have put something up on their website or FB page. Could you not give them a call ?


Well-Known Member
19 July 2008
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Strangles can only be caught by direct contact with an affected horse or carrier or sharing water an affected animal has drunk out of so take your own water, do not pat strange horses, do not let strange horses talk to yours, and you will be fine.

It cannot be caught in the air. Our yard had strangles a while back and only one horse ever got it, it is not that infectious.

You should take these precautions at all shows as strangles is around most areas and so shows but you do not get to hear about it.
You'll be fine. Good luck


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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I would always assume that any horse at a show was a risk & take precautions as above as it often doesn't show up.
We bought a horse last August. He had a rough trip ,due to roadworks & accident a 2.5 hour trip became 4 on a warm day. A few days later had a tiny bit of snot when worked - hardly enough to cover a thumbnail. It continued for a few days & he developed a slight cough - no raised temperature, no swellings, not depressed, eating fine. We got the vet out to check him over & they thought he had just got a bit of a bug with the stress of the journey but took a strangles swab anyway. By the time the positive result came back the symptoms had stopped. Luckily my 2 were together away from the other horses as we were new to the yard. Checked my other horses temp daily for nearly 3 weeks with no change & no symptoms but he swabbed +ve (know he didn't give it to new horse as new horse arrived at yard first & he came 1 day before new horse showed symptoms) this was a horse recovering from atypical myopathy so you would have expected him to get it badly. The other horses on the yard were tested & 3 were shown to have previously been exposed with falling titres so well past the infection - none had had any symptoms. According to both sets of vets used on the yard they see this a lot. So 5 horses had been infectious & only 1 had shown symptoms that would in most instances have not had a vet out.