

20 August 2007
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I am quite worried about this.
A good friend of mine went to an auction and I bought a pony last month.Someone else asked for a lift home with a pony they had brought which she did.About 10 days later this chap asked if she could take could take the pony they had brought to the vets in her trailer,but she was using it so did not.The next day she told me that the pony had an abcess on its forehead and was suspected to have strangles.Luckily she had turned out the new pony with a yearling so they were not with many others in the next field.The pony with the abcess was tested by the vet and apparently did not have strangles.My friend has been monitoring the new pony and on Friday (previously being totaly fine) had a runny nose on one side.This has now turned into a yellow snot on both sides and my friend just called to say he seems quite poorly with his head held out and low.
I realy feel for my friend.She buys and sells ponys - not on a huge scale,and also has a riding establishment.She is terrified that this is strangles and that the rest of her animals may become infected and her business will be closed down,she is coming up to the busiest time of year.I have just told her to get a vet tomorrow so she knows what she is dealing with.
If she were to have an outbreak on her yard will the ministry close the yard down before the all clear?Will they close the yard down with one outbreak?Fortunately she did keep this new pony seperate with a yearling for company but she is very worried for her stock.
What is the time when strangles is contagious from one animal to another? Is it only when an abcess has burst or can contact before this cause the disiese to show?
Sorry for long thread and thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
28 December 2008
South West
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Firstly strangles is not a notifiable disease so your friends yard cannot be closed down by anyone. However as it is so contagious she really does need to isolate any horses that have been in contact with the possible infected animal and it would be foolish and irresponsible to take any new animals on to the yard or let any off while she has an outbreak. Strangles can be spread before any symptoms are seen although it is much more infectious once horses show burst absesses or thick runny noses. From contact it can take 2 weeks for symptoms to develop so you would need to isolate all possible horses for atleast this time.

First point of call is to get diagnosis from vet which will mean getting a swab analysed as there are plenty other reasons for a runny nose. If it is strangles I would be quite concerned for the yearling as this disease does effect young horses much more severely than older ones and it can be fatal for youngsters. If the yearling is currently not showing any symptoms the vet may advise a course of strong antibiotics which could protect him from getting it. However if he is already showing a snotty nose, raised temperature etc it can be dangerous to give antibiotics as they have been linked to 'bastard strangles' which is a spread of the disease to other organs and nearly always fatal. Best advise is to talk it all through with an experienced vet who can give your friend all the info and also isolation/disinfection measures to stop it spreading through the yard.

Hope this helps and fingers crossed it isn't strangles after all.


Well-Known Member
25 December 2002
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I'm far from being an expert, but my understanding is that your friends yard will not be closed down. But, it will be quarantined if this is strangles.

vets can diagnose strangles without an abcess. my understanding is that only the most sick horses have the abcesses.

hope all the tests prove to be negative


20 August 2007
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Thank you for your replies
I have just read that yards have been closed for up to 2 years because of strangles-I dare not tell her this.She is responsible and would shut down if need be.She disinfected her lorry with jeyes fluid last week when she suspected an animal that may have the disease had travelled in it,and she has put foot baths on the yard so when she sees her animals in other fields she may be at less risk.The pony she bought is also a yearling but is quite wild so there has been little contact with it,but I do suspect somethings up.I went to see her new purchase last week and he was lying down,he let me feed him some polos without getting up.We didnt know about the other suspect at the time,but looking back,it is not normal for a semi wild yearling to take polos off a stranger without getting up.I am realy worried now so she must be up the wall.
I find it so frustrating that there is such a taboo about this disease.People seem to not want to let others know they have had it in fear of them running a mile,but rightly so (running a mile that is).No one else would let her have other animals so she can continue her business,and I would offer but we dont want our animals affected.She is well aware of this too and said she wouldnt go within a mile of another yard for fear of spearding a possible case.While some people are responsible,others just take sick animals to auction with no regard for the welfare of others.I shall get off my soapbox,this may not be strangles anyway,still,even if not,this kind of thing happens all the time and it does frustrate me