Stray SOS

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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He is pretty much nocturnal, but I will try if I can get a shot of him at the window.
He comes to get groomed quite readily now, and I bet he will ask to sleep at the foot of the bed pretty soon [I have just ordered a "luxurious satin and faux velvet" bedspread!]

Oh .... and he purrs ............ very, very quietly, but he is a lot happier, so it has been all worthwhile :)

Sounds like its going well :)

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Worried, a bit: OK, so a friend who took on a similar cat has been attacked [I mean full on A&E, tetanus, x-rays] by same, so in discussion, I mentioned mine has had a bite, once a few days ago. BUT twice today, when he was being stroked, no way was it sore. I bopped him on the nose with a soft brush, timeously.
Maybe this is why he was abused / abandoned previously.
Will phone SSPCA tomorrow, but I am thinking he might just be better left to live very much on his own and he has had enough "be-friending" from me from me, [ though I feel he needs groomed], and after all is said and done, we are supposed to be allies. I would be happy to let him be an outside cat, but I am not sure this will ever be possible, unless we can find a farm for him to live on, but he struggles with most things, and is no hunter.


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25 August 2015
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Jeez, what on earth could a cat do to warrant a visit to A & E and x-rays? They're not ruddy lions. OK, I accept a tetanus jab if you've not had a jab for a long time but I've never heard of a domestic or feral cat causing broken bones to a human. I got bitten by a feral cat once, my fault, hand became very swollen very quickly. Went to GP, sorted very quickly, no problems. Its not life threatening.

What exactly are you expecting from this cat B? What makes you think you and this cat should be allies? From your posts he is really trying to settle into your home. Give him a break. The poor sod doesn't know what the hell is going on. Stop rushing him. If you really aren't ;'happy 'with his progress' then I would agree, he may well be better off with someone else.


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2 May 2007
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Quite a lot of cats will bite when they have had enough fussing. Sometimes its an overstimulation response. It is still VERY early days for your kitty. Maybe a slightly more stand offish approach would work. Let the cat decide when to approach you. Patience is the key. Our latest rescue cat took over a year to allow herself to be groomed. Almost two years to be happy and settled on our knees, and still only on her own terms. That said, she is a sweetie, but will probably never be a round your neck luvvercat like our slinkie cats. Time is the key. Don't give up. We had lots of shredded hands and arms for months after we got her, and some nasty deep bites...luckily we already had up to date tet jabs. We don't know how she was treat before she was rescued, so we let her dictate the pace. Good luck, it will be worth it.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Jeez, what on earth could a cat do to warrant a visit to A & E and x-rays? They're not ruddy lions. OK, I accept a tetanus jab if you've not had a jab for a long time but I've never heard of a domestic or feral cat causing broken bones to a human. I got bitten by a feral cat once, my fault, hand became very swollen very quickly. Went to GP, sorted very quickly, no problems. Its not life threatening.

What exactly are you expecting from this cat B? What makes you think you and this cat should be allies? From your posts he is really trying to settle into your home. Give him a break. The poor sod doesn't know what the hell is going on. Stop rushing him. If you really aren't ;'happy 'with his progress' then I would agree, he may well be better off with someone else.

I am not rushing him, he comes to me for his grooming sessions, which he seems to enjoy, I don't think he is in the least confused, if he is ever frightened he runs off, to a place of safety, it does not take much to scare him.
I took this cat on because it was in a bad place, both mentally and physically, There is no physical pressure on him to come out from his bed, but he has to learn to relax and to play with his toys, learn that no one is going to abuse him, I would prefer that he was an outdoor cat, but at the moment he would not come to call, it would be too risky.
I want im to know that he has a home for life, that he wont be thrown out or abused again

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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I'll make the grooming sessions shorter, but he usually nestles down with me after being brushed, and after head butting and rubbing on me and on the furniture, so, yes over stimulated.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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All calm and stable, very careful not to overdue the grooming, so, one day he will/may be able to go out, I am teaching him about hunting and pouncing, ... he is getting the idea ... poor thing that he does not know these things, my own kitties ignored all toys as they had their own life, and just popped in when it suited, to eat and sleep.
He is very active when it is dark, eats very little kibbles, and is vocal when he needs fed.
Today's toy is "bubbles", and a cardboard box from Amazon.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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OK, now how do I approach the outdoor side [not for months].
Should I take him round the garden in my arms / in a harness / teach him to come in a window, this cat is nocturnal.


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2 May 2007
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Get a harness to accustom him to the outside, and your garden (his territory). Then, when you think he is ready to go outside, and knows where he is.....let him out when he is hungry. The lure of food will be very helpful to get him back. For now, get him used to the sound of a foodbag being shaken just before you feed him, do this every time you feed him. If you leave food out ad lib now, maybe try to have set mealtimes as a routine. When he is used to coming back home you can feed ad lib.

Sounds like he was taken from his mum too early if he does not know how to hunt and pounce. Keep on playing with him and he will get the idea.

Most cats tend to be nocturnal, they will adapt somewhat in time, I would not let him out after dusk. Sounds like he is progressing!

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Get a harness to accustom him to the outside, and your garden (his territory). Then, when you think he is ready to go outside, and knows where he is.....let him out when he is hungry. The lure of food will be very helpful to get him back. For now, get him used to the sound of a foodbag being shaken just before you feed him, do this every time you feed him. If you leave food out ad lib now, maybe try to have set mealtimes as a routine. When he is used to coming back home you can feed ad lib.

Sounds like he was taken from his mum too early if he does not know how to hunt and pounce. Keep on playing with him and he will get the idea.

Most cats tend to be nocturnal, they will adapt somewhat in time, I would not let him out after dusk. Sounds like he is progressing!

He seems to like being fed at night ..... has just had a top up [its 4.00 am], usually gets main meal about 8pm.
I really planned on turning out at night as there are no dogs / people / cars, but it hardly gets dark at this time of year. He is a lot less prone to panic but will never be bold. Will wait and see how he is in a month or so.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Another breakthrough yesterday when he jumped up beside me on the sofa .......... and I can move about in the same room with no panic.
No hairball for nearly a week. I will sow some grass in a pot, he has parsley and sage if he wants. Raw steak mince and a raw tiny chicken wing tip for dinner, his 3.00 am feed is tinned turkey for kitties.
He is fast asleep now, when he used to be "ready to run", with one eye open quite a lot.
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2 May 2007
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Sounds like things are progressing well, and he is becoming a lot more secure......slowly slowly catchee monekey etc :) I would slowly adjust feed times so you are not getting up at night, if that's a problem. Also, make sure he is getting some 'complete' food if the tinned turkey is not labelled as being complete. Soundls like you ARE getting fond of him :)

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Yes, ty I make sure he gets 50% complete, so he should have enough taurine [is there a source of this] etc plus cod liver/ other oil, he is very keen on raw beef steak, and the chick wings are scrunched up and munched up. He is actually very fussy, as all cats are in my experience, but I don't mind, if he is asking for food it means we are communicating. :)

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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Made up two weeks supply of raw food, all the best ingredients: he would not eat it, but in the end, I smothered the raw with Gourmet chicken in gravy, and overnight most has gone, he was non to happy with me, and it took eight Dreamies to pacify him.
His coat is lovely and silky now. He has learned to pounce today, and seems happy to play with me during daylight hours, I have ordered more toys, he loves all his mice. I will try fr a photo today.


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2 May 2007
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I would love to see a photo of him! Ah Dreamies, the saviour of human/cat relationships! :) Have you tried rubbing catnip on his toys? xxx

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Hi all.
he is coming on and indicating that he would like to go outside, ... I left the back door open and he went out for about 30 seconds, I know it is very risky as he still has a panic as a first reaction, but I don't think we will ever overcome that, at night he watches everything thru the window, I want him to be a happy cat.
There is no point in using a collar or even a harness, as he will not "come to call".
He has a super personality, he is in tip top condition, but I don't think he will ever be a sleepy, lazy house cat, he is still quite young.


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2 May 2007
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If he is on a harness and long lead, he won't need to come to call, he can explore and have you there as a 'safety net' He will feel he has a 'link' to you if he panics. Of course he may well just lie down and say I'm not having any of this malarkey, but time will tell. If he has enough stimulii, eg, watching things through the window, you playing with him and therun of the house, I'm sure he will be a very happy boy! Our rescued girl flatly refused to walk on a lead at first but now loves exploring the garden and chasing toads...the lead also is great as we never let her get too near the toads! we are rather fond of them.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Well, I'll give it a try with the harness and long lead, early on a Sunday am before the dog walking starts, he likes to have a play session during the night, [at], in addition to several during the day, its pretty full on for me, lol.


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6 November 2004
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Good luck OP, your cat will settle and be a totally different character eventually. My mum used to be in the CPL so was always bringing home cats only for a short time before they were fostered out. I used to spend hours as a kid in the pens with them getting their trust, even after a week they'd start to gain confidence around you no matter how bad their past.

With regards to the harness, make sure you get the cat used to it in the house first or it'll go mental! We had a harness for one of my Bengals - once she got used to the feeling of it round her tummy she quite liked going out in the garden with it on. Then we moved and I put up a very tall fence round my patio so they can go out yet still be contained and safe from getting killed on the road ;)


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2 May 2007
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Good advice, MagicMelon, a secure garden or a Catio is the best way.
Our cats have preferred a Walking Jacket to a harness per se, we did let them get used to it in the house first.

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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I cannot find my harness, so will have to send for another one, a jacket type which is easy to fit, delaying the moment, I hope he can wait, he seems to be bursting to go out now! I could risk the garden and a collar, but the fence is quite low. He is wearing a soft collar now, but putting it on was a bit traumatic for him, I will try to fit a pretend harness made of soft elastic today. I can practice walking in the communal hallway with the doors shut.
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Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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Tried to put a light harness on, but he is very wary of being restrained, I opened the door in to the main hallway and put out some favourite toys and his bedding, he has been in and out, many times, but is very nervous. I will persevere with this until he calms down again. He can't get out to the garden, but can see outside in to the big wide world.
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Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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I don't think this going to work, he has gone back to being a scaredy cat, he just does not like handling or people. I will let him have hallway access on his own well before folks get up, just put the collar on before I do so, that is something he can tolerate.
He has eaten two raw chicken wings overnight, in preference to a big variety of things, he usually only got the wing tips, but they had been removed. I don't think he needs Dentasticks,
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Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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Sunday afternoon, I've opened all the doors and all the windows, not sure who is more scared, him or me ..........will give it ten mins, unfortunately a dog has started barking.
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Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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He really wants this, but it has all got too busy, so we will chill.................... if it were not for the fact that once up on a time, I had a horse who spoke to me, I would not believe an animal could communicate with me in this way.....
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Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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He knows this is his home, its his choice...................... he is cuddled up to me with the option of going out any window.
He is off again ..................
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Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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He is near a window, in my bedroom. Thinking out /in, , I am OK with it as he will come back if things get too much for him. ~Hugs and kisses for my Pussykins....................
he is Mewing
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