strengths and weaknesses of your horses


4 May 2020
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I'm currently studying a course at Hartpury college, and i'm needing different strengths and weaknesses for peoples horses as part of a report i'm doing. Any would be helpful! :)


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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My 6 year old's strengths are also his weaknesses. His flexibility and willing attitude makes him a joy to ride and a very capable dressage horse. But they also make it likely that it would be easy to ask him to do too much, and damage him.


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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One of mine is very pretty but also gets very muddy.

Is that what you are looking for?

:D this made me laugh a lot. Years of doing students homework via H&H forum....... I always love dissertation time best when people are asking for ideas and then want you to do their work.


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13 November 2020
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my pony's
strength: she is very forward and responsive
weakness: sometimes it is a bit to much and she runs out from under me, she also has a hard time collecting and gets strung out

strength: she has a beautiful, flexible, walk
weakness: trot and canter=mess

another weakness is that she pops her shoulder like popcorn (makes no sense at all) and cant halt in a straight line

strength: she never spooks at jumps
weak point: spooks at everything but jumps:p... no I am dead serious


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18 December 2010
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Fig: strength is his ability to collect and sit plus so genuine, weakness is the tightness through frame (type/background/maybe just him) and he is brutally strong especially when tense

Rooni: strength is his lateral suppleness and consistency in the contact he finds extending and collecting easy, weakness is that he’s very opinionated and likes to stand up if he gets it wrong!


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1 April 2018
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My horse has a strength that is also his weakness: his intelligence. He learns fast. This makes it easy for him to learn the wrong thing if you aren't careful, and can also lead to him finding creative ways to get out of doing something. On the other hand, he learns what you want and wants to constantly do it, so keeping him relaxed and waiting for me is important.

His compact well built frame looks good, but it is actually difficult to get him to loosen his back and come through. He can fool the amateur eye into thinking he's collected and going well, but try a flying change and if he's not through, prepare for launch ?


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9 February 2009
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My boy has a corresponding strength and weakness too...

Hes super economical with what he offers you (not lazy as such, but doesn't give anything extra at all, just exactly what you ask for and no more)- this is a bit frustrating as a rider as he rarely feels like he is really enjoying himself on the flat particularly, and can be quite hard work

This is also a strength, as he is now 16, has evented to quite a high level, has a touch of kissing spines, but is surprisingly sound. Because he only puts in what he has to his entire life, and has saved plenty up for his later years!


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17 January 2009
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Ok here’s one of mine - we discussed him yesterday!
Strengths very cuddly, pretty boy, loves attention and will do anything for food so used as companion - will travel and stay alone in lorry as long as he‘s a hay net.
Can be used as ‘life saver’ pony - tie up in stable (with hay net) and happy for any passing child to sit on his back - this saves child from ????‍♀️?
Happy to act as friend to nervous / novice horse
Rescue pony - when required can exert himself sufficiently to catch up with said child and block speedy exit
Weaknesses - no food no gain! Life is ruled by stomach. If alone and not on a good day happy to deposit jockey as schooling isn’t his thing probe to the occasional buck! ??


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27 October 2016
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My boy has a corresponding strength and weakness too...

Hes super economical with what he offers you (not lazy as such, but doesn't give anything extra at all, just exactly what you ask for and no more)- this is a bit frustrating as a rider as he rarely feels like he is really enjoying himself on the flat particularly, and can be quite hard work

This is also a strength, as he is now 16, has evented to quite a high level, has a touch of kissing spines, but is surprisingly sound. Because he only puts in what he has to his entire life, and has saved plenty up for his later years!
Clever horse :p


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27 October 2016
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(Strength) Mine has a nice temperament, he's very laid back. I do notice horse's with this temperament tend to be stubborn; he is one of those horses :D( probable weakness,but not really as I find it amusing) He used to be an extreme napper. That's 98% gone (strength)

At the same time he is very sensitive to people's emotions. He is nice and forward and not spooky. He is also very forgiving; I swung my leg over him to dismount recently and kicked him in the arse :D He just glared at me! (strength)

(Weakness)He tends to wear his hooves unevenly, which seems to lead to him becoming very stiff and one sided. I only discovered the cause of this when I took his shoes off. He was unable to remain barefoot so I will remove them for a few months each year to try and avoid the stiffness returning.

I used to find schooling very difficult as it would take an age just to get him supple. Since I've realised the cause of it and since it has been resolved, we have made more progress in months than we had in years. He's obviously much happier too as he finds everything much easier. (Strength)

He's also really responsive to seat and weight aids (strength)
He's very clever at reading fences and he's careful too (strength)
A problem is that he is so sensitive to the rider's emotions that if you are any way nervous about a jump he will stop. (weakness) He'd be great at jumping with a more experienced rider.

He is bombproof to hack so we have nice relaxing hacks on the buckle, which I enjoy (strength)
He finds lengthening and shortening his stride very easy. He's very athletic in general. He also has a nice walk and lovely canter (strength)

He's quite herd bound, although much better than he used to be. He wouldn't let other horses out of his sight until about the last 2 years. That's all gone now thankfully. He will even wander out to the field to graze alone now. (strength)

He has bad hooves and was recently diagnosed with asthma that he takes steroids to control (weakness)
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3 February 2013
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- Her response to anything new is, "No, not gonna."
- Surprisingly sensitive, but keeps it all locked inside until it comes out in a two-second explosion
- Built like a miniature brick outhouse, so not destined for greatness in any athletic endeavours
- Easily bored, especially when schooling. If we do any exercise more than three times, she starts napping
- Long back, but most of the length is in the loin so can't take a saddle longer than 17"
- Already got arthritic hocks
- Needs to be shod all-round; needs vet sedation for the farrier. (Although the farrier has suggested we try just domosedan next time, albeit with the vet present in case of need. Oh, god, the amount of money I'd save!)


- Can easily be cajoled past her initial, "No, not gonna," at which point she immediately relaxes and is all, "I don't know what you were making a fuss about."
- She might not show her affection obviously, but it makes it all the more rewarding when she curls in to you.
- For a miniature brick outhouse, she has amazing movement
- Very intelligent
- Most enjoyable horse to hack I've ever ridden. She's forward and responsive, without being a lunatic. Her idea of spooking is just for her legs to do a little bit of Riverdance while her body stays completely still. She's rock-solid in traffic and is about as close to bomb-proof as a horse can get.
- Is always the first to be turned out and the last to be brought in because the yard staff know she's sensible enough to be out on her own. Equally, seems to get on with every horse she's ever been turned out with.
- Puts up with a hell of a lot of numpty behaviour from me with nothing more than a long-suffering look!


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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My Little Cob's strengths:
- forward going
- obedient
- willing
- powerful, rhythmical trot
- tends to do an accurate test
- intelligent
- adorable

- canter. Was 4 time, now better but still the weakest gait
- missing an eye ?
- loses confidence jumping
- jumps up rather than forwards, causing issues with spreads and wider XC fences
- not the most supple, but improving
- answer to most issues is to go FAST ?


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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Big Cob strengths:
- flashy
- massive movement
- warmblood in cob's clothing
- mainly black so not hard to keep clean
- excellent at going sideways
- bold and brave
- responsive
- handsome

- more movement than he knows what to do with sometimes
- very thick coat. Needs clipping every few weeks all year round
- can be quiet on hot days, since he's black
- short neck, and default is to shorten it further if not soft enough or finding work hard
- massive hooves makes shoeing expensive ?


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
For 8 years I rode a RS Connemara who arrived at the yard to hack only. I had been riding only 2 years when she arrived and completely ignorant about the breed and breed / hoof weaknesses that might have rendered her unfit to jump. I feel in love with her on first ride for two reasons. She fitted me physically and she was intelligent and willing to learn and comply.
Her conformation was not good. She was narrow which is why she fitted me but a narrow chest leaves less room for lungs and heart.
In spite of that she was a nippy creature with a spook and run - great turn of speed and I was frequently run away with. We had no roads on our hacking route and I calculated that I could let her run a complete circuit if necessary. She never did go that far but my John Wayne act. It was later said that she would do anything for me and that was true. But I learned from her. First to be run away with. I became a happy long distance canterer with canter transitions. And I learned to ride first. Later when I came to share the RI expressed surprise that I was not scared to canter solo when trying a horse. But if you ride first, that feels like one is on one's own.
Her other weakness was her fair skin. She died of melanoma to the face.
If I ever have the chance to own a horse I would go to Ireland and try to find her like.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Very rideable in the school, never says no and will give anything a go.
Quick learner and then never forgets
Doesn’t go ‘backwards’ with time off- comes back better than ever and
picks back up where she left off with ease
Actually quite talented underneath the guise of slightly overweight and oddly shaped patchy thing.

Spooky and tense at times. This is getting better but is still a big factor when we are at competitions. She can do unpredictable spooks out hacking, complete with a spin and run, to the point that I would be wary of riding her in heavier traffic alone. Though I’d slot her in behind a ‘nanny’ no problem.
If she takes a dislike to something and you press the issue with her, she stands up. That’s a trick that appeared last year, but she tends to save it for things like cows.
On the ground- the most impatient animals you’ll ever meet. If you don’t have a rug on her in 3 seconds, she paws the ground in temper.

Flashy paces
Has a real ‘look at me’ about her when she’s working
The sweetest temperament on the ground
Very forward- loves to work

Too forward at times. It’s can get like the wacky races and you need a core like steel to keep her in check.
Very opinionated... though the sweet, angelic look never leaves her face.
Can be prone to major napping fits