Stressage report and a shocking result!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Hi I know that this is very small fry compared to a lot on here but I'm just bursting with pride and friends and family are now officially bored of the 'I Love our Pony' gushing :D.
Sorry this may be long…

Now from the few posts I've done on here I've said I get to ride my mum's lovely horse Topaz as my competition horse (SJ and eventing is the aim). We've had her about 3 years now and she has been seriously tricky. She would get way too over the top at comps and is very spooky! Coupled with her complete lack of basic schooling when we got her meant it's been a long hard slog to get her soft and relaxed even at home never mind out :eek:.

Our only forays into dressage has been in the first phase at the ODE's we've entered, and was just a matter of not getting eliminated :eek:. We would get comments such as 'exploded into canter', 'cantering when should be trotting', 'cantering when should be walking', 'piaffing when should be halted', 'left the arena', 'misbehaving' :rolleyes: you get the idea... we even had some lovely flying changes on a twenty meter circle that for some reason were not required at unaffiliated 75cm level :D.

So anyway excuse my waffling, I just wanted to give you an idea that flatwork is NOT Topaz's strong point. We've been working really hard over winter and I felt we have made some small steps forward and as we have an ODE next week I entered an unaffiliated dressage at a lovely venue we've been to before, but only ever jumping. Cue stomach churning dread, I have no idea what possessed me to ask if they would take me as a late entry into the Into B and Prelim 4 classes, but they did!! :eek::eek::eek:

So off I toddle, we warmed up in the field away from the other horses to try and keep her concentration and she's feeling lovely...decided on account of all the cantering she likes to add we would only warm up in walk and trot for the Intro, kept her attention with lots of transitions, some flexion and baby leg yields and she stayed mostly soft and relaxed. I could barely breathe waiting for the giraffe 'alert pose' to make an appearance but she went better than I could have hoped!!! Went into the official warm up area next to the dressage area and cue a little snorting and pouncing about but she settled back down and went like this in the test, (for all the button pushers all pics were taken by my dad who is not and has never been a professional photographer thank you):

Yes she still was a little inconsistent in her head carriage and you can see a sneaky mouth opening evasion, but we did all the movements at all the right points with no added cantering!!!
So I popped her back to the box for 10 mins for a rest and lots of pats and then got back on for the prelim. Now came the difficult bit how to add the canter in without any hysterics…
We did have a bit of this in the warm up:

Lol cantering is just so much fun and requires lift! Not helped when someone turned some horses out who were hoolying around. So we retired back to the ‘official’ warm which Topaz was a bit concerned was scary and enclosed but she was actually very good. On the way to the proper warm up area my mum went to find out if the tests were out, we thought with 12 in the class that there wouldn’t be a hope of her being placed this is Topaz after all…. but she only went and WON with a massive 76.09%!!!! I just still can’t believe it I know it’s only an Intro test, but from where we have come from to now it’s just unbelievable!!!!

Now very tempted to just go home never compete again and finish on a high, realised that I was actually next in and should get on with settling her back down again.
Did another lovely lovely sweet test, some of our canter transitions were a little wobbly and it definitely wasn’t as smooth as the first test but I was just thrilled.

Decided to wait for the results so I could get my sheet and look at what to improve on, and saw some really lovely horses go well. We decided that we really wouldn’t be placed this time as our canter def needs work doing, but you guessed it we only won again!!!! Thought maybe they’d at this point got me confused with another combination, there was just no chance that me and Topaz could win not one but two proper dressage tests!! We had though and with a very credible 67.73%. Over the moon and don’t think I will stop smiling for a week! think the lovely people at the venue think I’m crazy as I did well up when they said I’d won the Prelim…

Onwards and upwards, can’t wait for our ODE now fingers crossed Topaz continues her calm streak.

Thanks for reading x x x
PS sorry if the pics are huge photobucket is having a major meltdown on me!


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26 February 2008
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well done you, sounds like all your hard work has paid off! Lovely report and Topaz really is a lovely mare, thanks for sharing


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7 November 2010
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Congratulations! My last mare was an ex racer who had been badly treated and injured in training and it took a lot of time and effort to control her 'fizz" so I understand how proud you can get over things that to others seem small but you should be proud and enjoy it. Good luck for the next outing!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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well done you, sounds like all your hard work has paid off! Lovely report and Topaz really is a lovely mare, thanks for sharing

Thank you she is so rewarding and you couldn't ask for a nicer nature, she just is naturally bouncy and can ping us off without meaning to :D.

Congratulations! My last mare was an ex racer who had been badly treated and injured in training and it took a lot of time and effort to control her 'fizz" so I understand how proud you can get over things that to others seem small but you should be proud and enjoy it. Good luck for the next outing!

Thanks, Topaz has always been well looked after so no worries there fortunately, but yes it's getting that fine line of controlled excitment ;). The small steps pave the way to big achievements.

Lovely lovely lovely! :D Well done!!

Thanks :D

Brilliant - well done!

Thank you :D

Great! Well done.

:) Thank you!

Great report. Well done :D

Looking forward to hearing the ODE report :D

hmmm maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it... :D My mum is convinced that Topaz has used all her good behaviour up now and will be a demon next sunday :D.

Well done!! He's lovely!! :D

Thank you very much!

Well done, Topaz is beautiful :)

Yes we feel lucky to have her and she's not turned out bad for a rejected carriage horse :D.

Thanks everyone, I really must stop gushing about it, but it really feels like we've turned a corner this year!
The end of the last year was awful, Topaz started stopping and we were going round in circles! This year with going back to basics a bit and going back to the snaffle for all phases seems to have (fingers crossed and touch all available wood) done the trick.
We've been out to an arena event and came second :D, our first cross country of the year over a seriously meaty supposed 80cm course:eek:, where we flew round following a wobbly start and been to her first RC show of the season where she came 2nd in the WH and 2nd in the SJ (jumping everything including the walls and pigs fillers!).
She is just blossoming, we just need to get her eventing fit as she is looking rather erm like she is in show condition if you catch my drift ;). Get her out a bit more and then the plan is to do our first BE80 at Bold Heath, (which is the closest to us, if anybody knows what it's like please let me know, any pointers are gratefully recieved!).

x x x


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9 May 2007
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what a lovely report - feel good factor at the end of a pants day :D

Congratulations and hope this gives you confidence to believe in the both of you when it comes to prancing ;)


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12 June 2011
Truro Cornwall
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That was such a lovely thread to read! I am absolutely petrified about attempting my first ever dressage test next week and just reading your post has filled me with confidence that we can also do it!!! why does dressage seem scarier than XC??? lol
And your horse looks gorgeous x


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30 July 2009
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Well Done!! Really pleased your efforts and patience are producing the rewards.

I'd be tempted to do more pure dressage outings so that Topaz learns that she isn't always going jumping straight after and this might help her to calm down for the canters. It will improve your eventing dressage and give her some variety.

Bold Heath runs BE and combined training quite regularly (I think once a month) and they also do dressage just as regularly. In fact they have unaff dressage on this Saturday and entries are usually open until the Thurs if you call and talk nicely to Janet ;-) You could always pop over and see what the venue looks like with horses competing if you haven't been before. Their ODE/BE classes are usually dressage in the smaller indoor, SJ in the larger 80x40 indoor and xc on the big outdoor. XC often includes logs, kennels, etc not just natural poles on normal wings.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Well done!! In the last picture the horse is totally saying "well I knew I'd win them both, dunno what she's so fussed about"!!!!

:D She is just full of surprises, its like she finally thought 'I'd better give her something or she really might release me onto the moors', it is my constant threat :D.

Well done sounds like massive progress :) Love Topaz, you can see straightaway that she is a character, with plenty of opinions :D

It says a lot when a good intro is massive progress :eek:, but for us it really is and somewhat of a mental hurdle that we can be a harmonious partnership! A 'character' is the polite term used to describe her lol she is an absolute doll now, but was a bit :eek: when we first got her.

what a lovely report - feel good factor at the end of a pants day :D

Congratulations and hope this gives you confidence to believe in the both of you when it comes to prancing ;)

Thanks I'm glad we have spread the cheer, just still really amazed it was just one of those rare moments where it all seems to come together.
Topaz can prance but generally not when asked :D, she is also rather apt at 'airs above the ground' too ;). No seriously I am feeling that maybe I'm not that terrible at this riding marlarky! I even got 8's for my riding from the lovely judge!!

That was such a lovely thread to read! I am absolutely petrified about attempting my first ever dressage test next week and just reading your post has filled me with confidence that we can also do it!!! why does dressage seem scarier than XC??? lol
And your horse looks gorgeous x

I've no idea but honestly my stomach was in knots on the drive over, normally as I go everywhere by myself, (the lovely parents came to watch me this time, so they are clearly lucky and must come evrywhere with us from now on :D), I've got too much to think about to get anxious. Give me a cross country course anyday! I think it's something to do with the arena with everyone watching an a judge watching your every move... but if me and Topaz can pull that out of the bag then anyone can do it!!!!! Serously just go for it, it is fun......supposedly....:D

brilliant !! well done :D :D

Thanks :D

Well done! She's a bit like my girly :) lets hope we can get results like that when we go out this week!

I remember your's, lovely lovely horse:D! What is her breeding?

Fabulous! Well done you & Topaz! Your smile says it all! She really is a stunning mare!

Thank you gosh I'm getting all emotional again, silly really :eek:.

Thanks everyone :).
x x x


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Well Done!! Really pleased your efforts and patience are producing the rewards.

I'd be tempted to do more pure dressage outings so that Topaz learns that she isn't always going jumping straight after and this might help her to calm down for the canters. It will improve your eventing dressage and give her some variety.

Bold Heath runs BE and combined training quite regularly (I think once a month) and they also do dressage just as regularly. In fact they have unaff dressage on this Saturday and entries are usually open until the Thurs if you call and talk nicely to Janet ;-) You could always pop over and see what the venue looks like with horses competing if you haven't been before. Their ODE/BE classes are usually dressage in the smaller indoor, SJ in the larger 80x40 indoor and xc on the big outdoor. XC often includes logs, kennels, etc not just natural poles on normal wings.

Thank you very much, interesting about just doing dressage as that was why I went this time and it definitely helped! Much calmer, and her canter did calm down after a few attempts :eek:. We do quite varied things but seem to have just drifted into jumping on the majority of our outings, I think because she enjoys that best :D. Will try harder to do more as I think it will help us alot.

haha nice try to sneak another dressage onto us, I can see your game :D, but it is the ODE on the Sunday and as I share the box with my mum I try and only monopolise it for one day out of the weekend. As well as stealing her horse :D.
That is really interesting about Bold Heath though thank you! I've been there a couple of times, show jumping and showing (with my old show pony), just never for eventing.
Is the cross country in the arena then or do they have a course out on grass as well?
Will have to keep an eye out, doing some stressage there would be fab preparation!

The other BE80 I was thinking about was the one at Stafford if you have anymore pearls of wisdom, it is really appreciated!

x x


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30 July 2009
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Bold Heath have a BE course through fields but it isn't generally used throughout the year. Their xc has been in the big arena for the last year or so, I suppose because of the horrid weather and damage to the fields. I agree about the dressage being good preparation, and sitting in the judges box you can tell the difference in the tests for the eventers compared to the pure dressage days, so many horses know what is coming next.

Not been eventing at Stafford, but I believe it is a good day out too, as is Kelsall's PC event.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
I remember your's, lovely lovely horse:D! What is her breeding?

Hanoverian x TB! I don't really know anything more although her owner does (she's just on loan to me but owner wasn't doing anything with her)

She's very opinionated ;) and her canter can be equally as bouncy and 'exciting' but now and again we get something semi nice - but ALWAYS with her signature tail swish!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Bold Heath have a BE course through fields but it isn't generally used throughout the year. Their xc has been in the big arena for the last year or so, I suppose because of the horrid weather and damage to the fields. I agree about the dressage being good preparation, and sitting in the judges box you can tell the difference in the tests for the eventers compared to the pure dressage days, so many horses know what is coming next.

Not been eventing at Stafford, but I believe it is a good day out too, as is Kelsall's PC event.

Ah yes that makes sense, I've got until August for the Bold Heath event so if I can get up there to do some dressage and possibly a showjumping round for experiance then I will ask about the cross country. I would much prefer to run on the outdoor surface than either a cancellation or horrible ground!

Will go an have a look at Kelsall's PC event, only been to the gallops there (which are fab :D) but from what I've heard the corss country is great! Didn't know 'outsiders' :D could enter pony club events?

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Hanoverian x TB! I don't really know anything more although her owner does (she's just on loan to me but owner wasn't doing anything with her)

She's very opinionated ;) and her canter can be equally as bouncy and 'exciting' but now and again we get something semi nice - but ALWAYS with her signature tail swish!

Ah yes she is beautiful! Just my sort :D.
It's interesting with the breeding as Topaz has been compared a lot with sport horse types, horses that have been bred for althetism and their jumping or dressage talents, but she is actually a Fresian x Hackney :confused:, nobody could have guessed where her talents would lie!

You have just got to love a bouncy canter! We should have named her tigger :D.

To be fair here we are jumping, but no-one has told her there isn't suppose to be a period of suspension in the canter :D.

x x


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Fantastic report and results! There is nothing like the feeling you get when all your hard work pays off! Well done the both of you!

Thank you, still on a high :D

I love the funny bred ones that don't match their types!

I mean- what would you think of this?

Sports horse? Warmblood maybe?

Nope. Cob x Arab lol!

Wow lovely, but wouldn't have said cob x arab :D, love Arabs! We wanted an anglo originally and found a lovely one but she failed her vetting :(.
It was my dad that persuaded us to look at Topaz as her advert was nothing that really appealed to us :rolleyes: good job we listened to him!

I think they do combined BE & PC events where members of either can participate.
Kelsall also have XC clinics and there is also a British Riding Clubs HT on there next month.
Somerford is fab for XC practice too, but it doesn't sound like you need any :-D

Wow thank you, I have so much to learn :eek:, will keep an eye out for the pony club events as well then.
Hadn't seen the xc clinics at Kelsall, would be interested in them as I've not had any instruction over xc fences really.... Would be fab to get some proper help and also an experts opinion on whether she's ready for an affliated event yet, wouldn't like to waste my money! Thank you very much (I know I keep saying it), you are just a font of all things eventing :D.

She does have a lot to learn in all phases really but once she's in her rythm and forward she is just a machine cross country! Love Somerford, we've been up to the farm ride a few times this year already but not got round to the schooling field yet, think I will have to put it in the calender :D.

*toddles off to check out the links and that HT sounds good....*
x x