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Well-Known Member
22 July 2021
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Other than the obvious physical difference, what is the difference between long reining and leading?

I know that you can train straightness and it is similar to having reins with a rider and what not but if you just wanted to take your horse out for non-ridden exercise and desensitising for hacks, would long reining benefit differently?


Well-Known Member
3 December 2019
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Following a leader and being the leader are very different for them even if they see the same things. A combination of both is probably the best approach for working up to going on hacks alone.

I wasn't confident enough at the time (still not really) to do a lot of long reining on roads for preparing to go on solo hacks and I do regret that a little.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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When you are leading they tend to bend towards you - so walk on a bit of a curve. Long lining you can keep them straight.

They also get used to going out in front which is why many people use it when backing horses.

I do lead out my Appy though because our roads aren't great and if I'm by her head I can shove her into the hedge when a car comes past too fast


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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Following a leader and being the leader are very different for them even if they see the same things.
this. Long reining to me makes them get out in front, be big brave boys and face the world. I can get them to go with voice commands, stop the same, pull into the side to let a car past (ours are quiet roads) if there is a bike say they have to learn to deal with it themselves rather than rely on me. If there are cows they learn to go through and to drive them. If a sheep jumps out at them they can get on and spook. You can also do stops, backs and standing and waiting to learn patience. I also find it better than leading because if we are going up a hill (lots around here) I can tail them so that is another skill they have learnt.

I find leading them, which is fine to start with in the great outdoors, doesn't otherwise do very much. Not enough benefit for the amount of work I have to put in.