Sudden bad swelling

Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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Checked the horses at 7am and 2pm today, all fine. Moved the fence so a nice bit of grass for them.

Went down to feed them at 6pm to find my gelding with a huge swelling on his front left leg. From his knee to his fetlock, mostly on the outside and behind the leg. He can walk on it and stand on it but is clearly lame and holds it up at every opportunity. It’s very swollen and warm.

Called my vet who said to cold hose for 15 minutes, keep him in and see how he is tomorrow. I checked a hour ago and if anything it’s worse.

He had his nerves cut in February on his hind suspensorys, and we have just started planning for some dressage.

Heart broken doesn’t cut it. A friend says it looks to be his front suspensory.. which doesn’t sound good. Can’t see it being a abscess.

be positive

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9 July 2011
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It may well be an infection, some react to the tiniest scratch and the infection gets in without you even seeing it, a tb here had this happen once he was barely weight bearing and the only sign of entry was a tiny mark just on the pastern, the leg was swollen all the way to the knee, a couple of days on antibiotics and he was back to normal so don't panic too much yet it is more likely than a ligament injury.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I have had one (Charlie Horse) with an invisible bit of mud fever, his leg blew up and we had it scanned at the vet's. The scan showed nothing but the mud fever came out 2 or 3 days later. It was from a boot rub from an event on boggy ground so I obviously thought he had done a tendon.

Many times suspensors don't present like this. They can have some swelling, but often not much, and the lameness they give is often more subtle.

I have to confess, Charlie horse was scanned on two occasions for mud fever. Even after the first, the reaction was so great I was sure it was a pulled tendon.

I would not mess around of it is as bad this morning, I would get a scan done so you know what is happening.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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could be anything, I agree with the above posters, I'd be getting the vet today. Hopefully it's just something simple and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

Sasana Skye

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24 May 2019
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Sounds like an infection to me, usually always solved fairly quickly with some antibiotics.
My horse had cellulitis in her fetlock and hock a few years ago after knocking herself / getting kicked while being a twonk in the field. Very hot and swollen and noticeably lame in walk. Vet administered some AB's by injection and gave me some to feed and it was all fine and dandy in a week or two, my vet said to box rest for a couple of days but I chucked her straight back out in the field. My horse was injected within about 6 hours of it happening as I had checked her that morning and she was fine, I was told I was lucky for catching and treating it early. Any swelling on lower legs that causes lameness and unlikely to be an abscess and I have the vet out asap, I don't mess about with those regions.

Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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Thanks all. I didn’t get the vet last night as he advised to wait until today or I would of done.

This morning it’s even more swollen, and now it’s very hot. The knee is very swollen around the front and outside all the way down to the fetlock. He can stand on it but is almost hopping if he tries to walk and only just managed to get out the stable. Called the vet at 7am who’s coming at 12 today or before if he can. I put a ice pack on it which helped a bit. Hate seeing him so depressed, hopefully the vet can give some pain relief.

Will let you all know the outcome. He doesn’t wear boots but we did go on a long hack Sunday evening, although it happened between 2pm and 6pm yesterday. X

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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if it's hot then that does perhaps point more towards infection. Cellulitis can make them very lame and sad if it is that.

Will report back once the vet has been. Yesterday the swelling was on the knee and below it, but its now swollen above the knee as well. Someone mentioned mud fever but can’t see anything under the fur.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Will report back once the vet has been. Yesterday the swelling was on the knee and below it, but its now swollen above the knee as well. Someone mentioned mud fever but can’t see anything under the fur.
FWIW unless he wasn't weight bearing I wouldn't have got the vet yesterday either, I'd have followed the advice you were given because keeping them quiet and giving cold therapy is almost always the right thing to do regardless of the problem.

Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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FWIW unless he wasn't weight bearing I wouldn't have got the vet yesterday either, I'd have followed the advice you were given because keeping them quiet and giving cold therapy is almost always the right thing to do regardless of the problem.

That makes me feel better, after reading everyone’s reply this morning I felt like a bad owner.


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25 October 2010
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Don’t feel bad! Saturday I had the same situation but swollen on hind around fetlock and lame. I have a bute and waited for Sunday. Sunday more swollen so vet out and he has lymphangitis. Antibiotics and steroid and pain relief and the swelling was gone overnight and he’s much brighter, just needs a bit of gentle walking to get things moving now.

hopscotch bandit

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2 February 2017
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That makes me feel better, after reading everyone’s reply this morning I felt like a bad owner.
Don't take any notice FB, I am sure you are not. Your vet advised to wait.
I've rung up on a Sunday afternoon with a suspected case of laminitis with two legs having a bounding pulse, one worse than the other and obvious lameness - probably 3/10th lame, very lame when turning a circle. I was reassured by the vet on call over the phone to wait until the next day as my description didn't sound like laminitis to her. She offered to come out if I was really worried but felt it could wait for a vet after work the following day.

On that occasion I did wait as I trusted the vets judgement although I'm sure others thought I was mad. It turned out to be coffin joint inflammation which had caused a bounding pulse in one leg and a raised pulse in the other and associated lameness and had just come on during time out in the field.


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27 March 2009
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Sounds like cellulitis to me. Most are fine after a few days of Anti B's and anti inflams. So don't panic, but do get the vet.

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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The vet is coming out at noon today.

Vet has been and gone. He had a good feel around, he thinks he’s slipped and badly twisted his knee as the pain is behind the knee and swelling is mostly around it. He didn’t look to bad at walk (to my surprise) but awfully lame a couple of strides at trot. The vet is sure it isn’t a infection but gave him a anti inflammatory, pain killer and antibiotic jab just incase. Vet will visit every day for 2 days to jab him with this, wants me to give him bute and walk him in hand and cold hose.

It’s so swollen so can’t tell if he’s damaged anything badly ligament wise but said it will either go down and hopefully it might be ok, or he’s done something serious. All will tell once the swelling goes down..


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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ouch. everything crossed for a speedy recovery. There's never a good time to have an injury but it's an extra kick in the guts when you've just rehabbed from one, to get another. been there, done that, the t shirts are all worn threadbare. Hope he feels better super fast x

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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Vet visited again today, 8.30am appointment but called me at 7am to say he'd be 10 minutes. Good job we live on site! Can't complain, hes fitting him in between clients and left home at 5.30am this morning to see us first thing. Bless him, hands down a top vet.

Wanted him trotted up straight out the box (nothing beats a morning jog at 7.15am still with my PJs on...) much much better almost looked (dare I say it) sound! Still a large amount of swelling but vet thinks it had gone down a little. Gave another injection of anti inflammatory, pain killer and antibiotics. He will visit and jab him again tomorrow while I am at work. After Friday he ideally wants him in a small concrete pen so he can move around without being a prat. Our YO is great and has said I can use his horses outdoor pen during the day but will have to be careful as hes a spirted chap.

Vet wants to scan it start of next week - just to double check he hasn't possibly torn something. Gave me oral antibiotics as a precaution as well and on 2 bute a day, stopping friday. Fingers crossed its just a bad fall or twist and nothing more serious.

He is much much happier today, went for a walk at dinner time and tried a nice piaffe move.

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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Scan yesterday. He is completely sound, even after flexion but still has some swelling below his knee. He also didn't like that area being pinched.

Scan showed hes torn his superficial digital flexor tendon. Not chronic, but fibres are definitely weakened. Interesting as now hes had his leg clipped, you can actually feel a tiny jump of 'grissle' where the injury is.

Vet seemed to think it looked positive, 4 weeks complete box rest followed by walking rehab ideally. Re scan in 4 weeks to see how hes doing, if no improvement box rest will be increased to 8 weeks. Looking at 4-6 months until in full work again. Hes chilled as anything on box rest as hes so use to it, so not to concerned about that. Vet said they usually come sound within a few days with this injury but he'd go lame if he went for a gallop say.

Gutted, as hes just got to a decent level of fitness and looks good. Planned a lot so having to cancel everything now and have nothing to ride. Riding is my relax time and can already feel myself getting stressed over small things, so might have to borrow someones horse now and then! Its amazing how many nut jobs I've been offered to ride...

If anyones experienced the same, please do pm me!
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Well-Known Member
2 February 2018
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Scan yesterday. He is completely sound, even after flexion but still has some swelling below his knee. He also didn't like that area being pinched.

Scan showed hes torn his superficial digital flexor tendon. Not chronic, but fibres are definitely weakened. Interesting as now hes had his leg clipped, you can actually feel a tiny jump of 'grissle' where the injury is.

Vet seemed to think it looked positive, 4 weeks complete box rest followed by walking rehab ideally. Re scan in 4 weeks to see how hes doing, if no improvement box rest will be increased to 8 weeks. Looking at 4-6 months until in full work again.

Gutted, as hes just got to a decent level of fitness and looks good. Planned a lot so having to cancel everything now and have nothing to ride. Riding is my relax time and can already feel myself getting stressed over small things, so might have to borrow someones horse now and then! Its amazing how many nut jobs I've been offered to ride.. thanks but no thanks, ha!

Gutted for you I really am, wish we could wrap them up in cotton wool honestly :confused:
The ground has been so wet recently I'm sure that didn't help when he was doing tricks in the field!!

Message me FH, you can't be too far away?? I'd be more than happy for you to come and have a spin on Rocks - he's not a nut job ;)


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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sorry about that OP.
Kira is currently resting an SDFT branch injury, hers is the medial branch right at the bottom on the pastern. Hers was almost undetectable on the scan, first scan couldn't see it but 2nd one we eventually found it. I'm 10 weeks into her 12 weeks of pen rest and hoping to start walk exercise in November. There's never a good time is there. I lost a load of entries & stabling bookings for our stay away shows and we missed all the things we'd been qualifying for all year.... but the prognosis is good which is the most important thing.

Millie did her SDFT behind but she did a proper job and hers did reinjure which is why I retired her. She's sound as a pound charging round the field though, obviously :rolleyes:


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Oh no. So sorry to hear that. Was hers a field injury? Its interesting how other vets do different things, my vets said 4 weeks box rest. Do you know why yours is so much longer?
everything points to her having tweaked it when rolling. vet said it was unusual to just do the bit she has done and not have any other soft tissues involved, it's a kind of twist injury while the leg is extended so getting up from rolling would be exactly that. She had a scrape on her face the same time I noticed it.

the lesion was fairly significant, only about the size of my thumbnail but the fibres were very disrupted. But she was totally sound, on flexion, trot up etc and even prodding it hard didn't get any reaction from her. the only thing I had noticed was some filling up the leg. So I think the combination of those things means that a longer period of rest is advised, it would have been easy to crack on too soon and risk it reinjuring or worsening the original bit. we're now on an insurance claim so I'm going to just scan it often as she comes back into work to make sure it's still progressing well. at the 6 week scan they were really pleased which is encouraging :)

Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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everything points to her having tweaked it when rolling. vet said it was unusual to just do the bit she has done and not have any other soft tissues involved, it's a kind of twist injury while the leg is extended so getting up from rolling would be exactly that. She had a scrape on her face the same time I noticed it.

the lesion was fairly significant, only about the size of my thumbnail but the fibres were very disrupted. But she was totally sound, on flexion, trot up etc and even prodding it hard didn't get any reaction from her. the only thing I had noticed was some filling up the leg. So I think the combination of those things means that a longer period of rest is advised, it would have been easy to crack on too soon and risk it reinjuring or worsening the original bit. we're now on an insurance claim so I'm going to just scan it often as she comes back into work to make sure it's still progressing well. at the 6 week scan they were really pleased which is encouraging :)

Thats good about the 6 week scan. They also think my geldings is a twist movement, probably when moving fast and twisting or falling etc. Do you have a photo of her scan? I have a photo of his. I'll try and post it


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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no i didn't get them sent over this time, decided I have enough scan pics on my laptop thanks to Millie's various escapades and I don't want any more :p

Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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no i didn't get them sent over this time, decided I have enough scan pics on my laptop thanks to Millie's various escapades and I don't want any more :p

LOL - I have some nice scans of his hind legs too. Getting a nice collection!

Funnily enough a local company saw my post on Instagram and one of the ladies messaged me about their stem cell treatment from blood samples (so non evasive) which sounds very interesting. I might pass it on. Costs £3000 but they have excellent results and only 3 days box rest returning to full work within 3 months.

Reading on Facebook it seems recovery is over 8 months to a year usually.. my vet said he could be back to full work in 4 months which has confused me why so soon..