Well-Known Member
Help please!
My cob is I good weight , not particularly fat , goes out during the day with a muzzle on. He's been out today and whdn I got to the yard , he has very noticeable pads in the hollows of his eyes - they pop in and out as he eats his hay.
They weren't there or certainly not that big yesterday! Surely fat doesn't develop in a matter of 6-12 hours? Or can these pop up like "grass glands "? He's got some grass in the paddock but is muzzled.
Any thoughts?
My cob is I good weight , not particularly fat , goes out during the day with a muzzle on. He's been out today and whdn I got to the yard , he has very noticeable pads in the hollows of his eyes - they pop in and out as he eats his hay.
They weren't there or certainly not that big yesterday! Surely fat doesn't develop in a matter of 6-12 hours? Or can these pop up like "grass glands "? He's got some grass in the paddock but is muzzled.
Any thoughts?