Sudden frantic bum scratching


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Noticed Ken was a bit tail swishy in the stable yesterday evening. Had a look under his tail and looked like he had been scratching a little bit but nothing too concerning. Put some sudocrem on the tiny patch just under his anus and thought would have a look again in the morning. Get down this am and he's absolutely scratched himself raw overnight 😭

My immediate thought is pinworm? I've put Vaseline around his anus and sudeocrem on all the sore bits and plan to nip to get a wormer for him on my lunch break. I know you can test for pinworm but it's obviously really bothering him - it could turn out to be up to a week before the test arrives, I send it off, wait for result etc.

Does this sound like a reasonable plan of action? Am I right that double dose Strongid P (Pyrantel) is the right wormer/dosage? He was last wormed end of Jan with Equest (moxidectin) - there is no danger of overdosing him in any way with the Strongid P? I know it’s a different chemical but can't find anything online. Waiting for call back from vet
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27 April 2004
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It could well be pinworm. What time of day do you check him? They tend to come out early morning, but can drop off with poo. I have best results using Panacur 5 day. Speak to the SQP at your local wormer retailer, but that would be the choice for me, if you've only recently used Equest Pramox. It's also an accepted strategy to syringe it up the bum as that's where they live, but depends on your horse's acceptance/whether you're tired of life!! My mare used to struggle with them from time to time.


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14 September 2001
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Could he be getting too warm? It’s been balmy here for February and my heavy coated ponies are more itchy than normal. If he’s scratched himself it probably does itch, so the cycle is created. Westgate do a test for pinworm for about £7 I think.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Thanks both. I rang Westgate Labs when they opened as use them for my worm counts. They agreed that they would be suspicious of pinworm and can either worm with double dose Strongid P or Panacur 5 day. Going to give strongid p a go and see what we get. They were happy that its been 4+ weeks since his Equest wormer so shouldn't be an issue to worm again now. Still waiting for call back from vet but have a feeling they will just suggest the same POA.
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Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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I'm having a real nightmare getting hold of the vets - called reception 3 times now asking for a vet to call me back and still nothing

Desperate to try and soothe this as best I can - would leovet silver salve be ok on all the broken skin around his bum? trying to keep it clean as best I can but he is sill scratching like crazy. Wormer should be here Thursday

edit to add photo from last night (its now even worse as he has been scratching again overnight)



Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Update: finally had a call back. Vet spoke to me like I was a complete time waster. Told me to use flamazine on sores and give him some bute. I said I don’t have either would she be able to write me up for some and I would come and collect. She then back tracked and said “oh the bute won’t actually do any good it was only if you had some already on the yard…. And put Vaseline on instead you don’t need flamazine”. They also don’t keep wormers in stock so still have to wait for my online order to come in and in the mean time try and prevent him tearing himself to shreds.

Anyway the silver lining (I think) is it absolutely is pin worm as I found a big dead one in his poo this evening

Snow Falcon

Hoping for drier days
1 July 2008
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I had a pony with pinworm. My vet at the time was great. Gave me a product only licensed for cattle but it was fab. Killed anything coming out! I'll try and recall what it was. Obviously I wormed her too but she looked like she had been attacked she'd done so much damage scratching. You'll need to spray where he's been scratching too as the eggs could be on the wood etc.

I used aloe vera on the furry parts had had been de-furred as it had a cooling effect.

Lois Lame

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11 May 2018
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Update: finally had a call back. Vet spoke to me like I was a complete time waster. Told me to use flamazine on sores and give him some bute. I said I don’t have either would she be able to write me up for some and I would come and collect. She then back tracked and said “oh the bute won’t actually do any good it was only if you had some already on the yard…. And put Vaseline on instead you don’t need flamazine”. They also don’t keep wormers in stock so still have to wait for my online order to come in and in the mean time try and prevent him tearing himself to shreds.

Anyway the silver lining (I think) is it absolutely is pin worm as I found a big dead one in his poo this evening
This back-tracking that some people do...:rolleyes: doesn't install much confidence in them. I think I'd ditch that vet.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Noticed Ken was a bit tail swishy in the stable yesterday evening. Had a look under his tail and looked like he had been scratching a little bit but nothing too concerning. Put some sudocrem on the tiny patch just under his anus and thought would have a look again in the morning. Get down this am and he's absolutely scratched himself raw overnight 😭

My immediate thought is pinworm? I've put Vaseline around his anus and sudeocrem on all the sore bits and plan to nip to get a wormer for him on my lunch break. I know you can test for pinworm but it's obviously really bothering him - it could turn out to be up to a week before the test arrives, I send it off, wait for result etc.

Does this sound like a reasonable plan of action? Am I right that double dose Strongid P (Pyrantel) is the right wormer/dosage? He was last wormed end of Jan with Equest (moxidectin) - there is no danger of overdosing him in any way with the Strongid P? I know it’s a different chemical but can't find anything online. Waiting for call back from vet
Pin worm, try doing Sellotape test, or I would do the 5 day panacure guard. It is what they recomend.