Summer turnout 24/7 - what is fair and reasonable


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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My cob shares a field with 5 other horses of various types, from a pony to an ex racer.All these horses have different needs for grass.

Our yard is run by a very nice lady who works in a demanding , full time job. The only rule has always been that no hay is to be put in the field, and liveries have always had the option to turn out their horses for the summer when there was sufficient grass, which for my horse is about now.

The field is large on sandy soil. In a dry year the grass turns brown . if it rains all summer it does not. This worries some of the liveries as they perceive their horses are hungry and ingesting sand.

One horse is already out 24/7 and some of the other owners are not happy as they perceive that this horse will eat the grass they would prefer to let grow.

And it is the same every year- different horses have different needs/tolerances for grass and owners do not agree.

So I dont know what is fair to do myself. I would like to turn out to have a break form getting up early every day and being there last thing. I am tired and could really use a rest. Also would like a break from buying bedding, and horsey would like to be out, he has had enough of his stable and is not wanting to drink and is eating a lot less hay.If the grass goes off I am not bothered as my horse puts on weight easily, but I want to be fair to the others, who are likely to bring in at night all summer, so WWYD


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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I think everyone should agree a date when all horses go out 24/7. It depends on the grazing available and if there isn't enough grazing some horses may get irritable with each other.
My horses need different grazing requirements so its a case of exercising and restricting grass according to their individual needs.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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There will not be agreement and 4 of the horses are likely to stay in at night all summer. If I turn out , the horse that is out already will have company. If we have a dry summer and the grass goes off those that keep theirs in at night will feel that our horses have caused the problem and that we are selfish.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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Of course, it is also likely another livery may come to the yard and be allocated to this field and turn out for the summer and that happened last year.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2011
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Turn out - can you set up a track if yours doesn't need much grass and puts yours on the outside then theirs can go in the middle?


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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Actually, if they bring theirs in at night during the summer, it really doesn't matter that much. They will be eating in the stable, so no problem about starving. :)


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
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How many acres are the 5 horses on? If they only have an acre or so each then I'd say the fairest way would be to agree a date between you. If however the field is more than adequate then go ahead and turn yours out now as, in the long run, it won't make much difference.

I've not turned mine out yet (mainly because my summer grazing is still too wet) but also because I want the grass to grow through a bit before they start eating it otherwise they are eating the really sugar rich 'new growth' all the time which doesn't help with waistlines (all good doers)

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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It is their choice to keep in at night over summer, why should your horse have to suffer just because theirs do, mine are starting to go out overnight as it is at last drying out but I bring in during the day so they can have a feed and hay and this continues through the summer so they are in out of the heat and flies, they can rest or eat hay if they need more than others they can get it, it is about managing what you have or moving if they are unhappy.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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The field is large, about 7 or 8 acres. The problem is that some feel we have not got enough grass as the grass goes brown if we have a dry summer . and this bothers some of the owners.
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Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Can you section so,e of the field off with portable electric fencing? Owner really needs to make a decision rather than everyone getting funny with each other. There should just be a date when you're allowed 24/7 and no-one deciding for themselves as it can only cause strife.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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Yes, I agree and will talk to the owner next week. It is a shame when the owners start to resent eachother.


Well-Known Member
14 March 2007
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Put your horse out. What matters more. Your horse being happy? Or the other liveries being happy? Enjoy your lay ins :)


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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This is why I am so grateful to be back on a big yard that gives you your own field and space- had a short spell at a small yard with some awful woman bullying people to do what she wants (even though she doesn't run the yard nor own it).

I wont and wouldn't stand for being bossed about by others- at the end of the day if you turn your horse out you get what you want- if you keep it in at night, they get what they want- wont always fit both sides :)

Considering we've had a horrendously wet winter I'm sure you're fields will hold up to a bit of warm weather this i say.......:D


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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This is why I am so grateful to be back on a big yard that gives you your own field and space- had a short spell at a small yard with some awful woman bullying people to do what she wants (even though she doesn't run the yard nor own it).

I wont and wouldn't stand for being bossed about by others- at the end of the day if you turn your horse out you get what you want- if you keep it in at night, they get what they want- wont always fit both sides :)

Considering we've had a horrendously wet winter I'm sure you're fields will hold up to a bit of warm weather this i say.......:D

agree with this^^

I have a similar issue where by my chunky mare is in with a slim Arab and a TB, the other owners want hay out at night now they are out 24x7, one time one owner (friend) put out 3 large bale sectins for one night! I had to say something as my mare is the one neck deep in it if it's out there whilst the two skinny's gaze around wistfully or rush about buring more fat off!

I am hoping we can move to none out soon as the grass is growing and they're on about 4 acres for the 3 of them. It is difficult though but i think I will ahve to manage my own mare and will pen her soon I think.

In your shoes I would just go for it, not really your issue.