Surprise pregnancy


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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I feel your pain OP, one of mine was due on 24th April (340 days), we are currently on day 358 :( am hoping the warmer weather will bring her on


Well-Known Member
3 July 2009
Wellingborough, northants
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Join the club...Totally know how you are feeling, we have a thoroughbred mare in foal, she's bagged up, bum/backend muscles are spongy, triangular look to her belly, vulva relaxed and she's HUGE.... but still no signs of her's driving us mad ! Good Luck.. and hope the little one arrives sooooooonnnnnnn !!!!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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Dealer's choice! Although I have got a Dyson that claims to suck up pet hair. Pet hair, foals, they're all pretty much the same, aren't they?! :D

Pretty much the same thing yep! :D

I am so looking forward to this foal, I have been checking twice a day to see if it has arrived yet, driving my husband mad! Hope to see some photos really soon.

Photo's ASAP don't worry about that, I am hoping she will part with the little one this week as weather has warmed up quite a bit and I have some annual leave booked...... We can only hope.. :)

Just read the entire thread, oh my, come on foalie!

However have looked at the photo's and think the vulva needs to be much more relaxed, sorry.

She always seems to squeeze it tight when we move her tail. I think she just like's messing with us to be honest lol

Join the club...Totally know how you are feeling, we have a thoroughbred mare in foal, she's bagged up, bum/backend muscles are spongy, triangular look to her belly, vulva relaxed and she's HUGE.... but still no signs of her's driving us mad ! Good Luck.. and hope the little one arrives sooooooonnnnnnn !!!!!

Me too really can't be too much longer right? lol Good luck with your baby too hope all goes well and it happens soon lol :D


Well-Known Member
19 March 2011
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Oh my God, I just stumbled on this thread and read the whole thing, was certain I was going to land on a foalie pic but got less and less hopeful each page! :p

Keep us updated pretty please? I'm joining the troop of people who are now checking this thread daily :D come on mare and foalie!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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Nothing last night guys, Although there is a little wax today so maybe soon? we're hoping anyways. I now have a full week off of work so I am hoping it will be this week. Hope to have some baby pics for you all very soon. :D


Well-Known Member
4 April 2012
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One of my mares always foals within 12 hours of showing a tiny drip of wax. Another will have masses of wax for 4 or 5 days before foaling. Another, I've yet to see any wax whatsoever.
Do hope your girl is like my first one. Here's to tonight then, let's have everyone following your story to FOCUS, and will a safe delivery very soon.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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One of my mares always foals within 12 hours of showing a tiny drip of wax. Another will have masses of wax for 4 or 5 days before foaling. Another, I've yet to see any wax whatsoever.
Do hope your girl is like my first one. Here's to tonight then, let's have everyone following your story to FOCUS, and will a safe delivery very soon.

Ours was well and truely waxed up for three weeks before foaling. The final week she started dripping milk and the last two days, milk would stream out of her if she rolled or moved about a lot. It is so hard to tell. Fingers crossed that Keavy won't have to wait too much longer.


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16 September 2008
South Shrops
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Ours was well and truely waxed up for three weeks before foaling. The final week she started dripping milk and the last two days, milk would stream out of her if she rolled or moved about a lot. It is so hard to tell. Fingers crossed that Keavy won't have to wait too much longer.
And mine played her cards close to her chest and didn't give me anything! No wax, no dripping milk, She was marginally bagged up but the last time I checked her (10.30pm) but her udders were less full than they'd been when I'd let her out in the previous morning. Next morning, 5.45am got there to find dry foal, feeding pooing and very bonded to mum, skipping around stable and afterbirth hidden nicely in the straw!

And I'd asked her SO nicely to give me a clue as a newbie to foaling :D


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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OMG Keavy you must be exhausted - I am just reading the thread and like everyone else expected a beautiful piccy of new foalie !! but nothing !!!! come on mum !!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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Sorry guys no good news this morning either still no baby, I can honestly say that this is my first and LAST foal ever! lol, I am so tired of the worry, and the wait is worse than christmas morning when your a kid! :( we are just so worn out I really don't know how much longer she can go on like this, she is still pacing, getting up and down etc but that's it, it never gets past that stage, when we had the vet out he said best guess was 6 to 8 weeks well that was 9 weeks ago now, should I be getting worried that there is no baby yet? :(


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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No, there will be nothing wrong with her. It sounds as though she is really close though now. Two vets saw our mare around 3 weeks before she gave birth and both said she would foal within a couple of days. It was actually another 3 weeks! The owner had been setting her alarm every two hours through the night and was sleeping in our annex. At least she had the luxury of a good sized comfortable bed, ensuite bathroom and kitchenette as well as satelite TV. She didn't want to go home!

The mare became increasingly restless with lots of tail swishing and rolling in the few days before giving birth. She also gave us a couple of false alarms when we really thought she was in labour and even put the vet on standby, only to get up again and start munching haylage as though nothing had happened. :rolleyes:

Fingers crossed you mare doesn't keep you in suspense for much longer.


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Sorry guys no good news this morning either still no baby, I can honestly say that this is my first and LAST foal ever! lol, I am so tired of the worry, and the wait is worse than christmas morning when your a kid! :( we are just so worn out I really don't know how much longer she can go on like this, she is still pacing, getting up and down etc but that's it, it never gets past that stage, when we had the vet out he said best guess was 6 to 8 weeks well that was 9 weeks ago now, should I be getting worried that there is no baby yet? :(

Don't worry too much, mares can foal anywhere between 340 - 370 days and I have known of some (not mine thankfully!) who have gone longer. My own mare is now on day 361, I am completely knackered, the weather has not helped the situation, mares can 'hold' until they feel it is safe. Maybe tomorrow things will start happening - it is apparently going to be a good day tomorrow :confused:


Well-Known Member
16 September 2008
South Shrops
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I really, REALLY feel for you, Keavy. The waiting is awful and your mare has looked so "ready" for such a long time. I bet every day feels like a year at the moment.

Boo is my first foal and I actually had a date to work to - not that it makes much difference with these mares. Sweetpea was five days early AND I had only owned her for three weeks so in the grand scheme of things I didn't have very long to stress at ALL, compared with some of you but I was terrible for that short period and I, too, vowed I would NEVER go through it again. I still stand by that statement.

(probably ;) )


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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OMG :eek: still nothing :rolleyes:!!! U must be exhausted...I know I am just from looking every morning thinking will there or wont there be foalie pics!! Hope you can have a good sleep soon! xx

Praying for that elusive good nights sleep soon Lol and foalie pics!

Don't worry too much, mares can foal anywhere between 340 - 370 days and I have known of some (not mine thankfully!) who have gone longer. My own mare is now on day 361, I am completely knackered, the weather has not helped the situation, mares can 'hold' until they feel it is safe. Maybe tomorrow things will start happening - it is apparently going to be a good day tomorrow :confused:

Well I really hope she doesn't go THAT long :eek: although I don't know how many days she is now it's still an agonising wait! :(

I really, REALLY feel for you, Keavy. The waiting is awful and your mare has looked so "ready" for such a long time. I bet every day feels like a year at the moment.

Boo is my first foal and I actually had a date to work to - not that it makes much difference with these mares. Sweetpea was five days early AND I had only owned her for three weeks so in the grand scheme of things I didn't have very long to stress at ALL, compared with some of you but I was terrible for that short period and I, too, vowed I would NEVER go through it again. I still stand by that statement.

(probably ;) )

I am worn out I just really hope it isn't much longer I'm not sure how much more my nerves can take. She really does look so ready to have the little one I feel so sorry for her.

I am like you I will (probably) stand by my statement too :p


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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My mare was waxed up at 5pm last night, 6.30pm dripping milk, 10.45pm foal born, so when it does happen it wont take long, good luck!!

Congrats hun! :D did you get a filly or colt? and we want pics! seeing as how my mare is milking this for all it's worth we need our foalie fix from somewhere! :)


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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Hi guys

This is the wife is at the stables, but thought I would give you guys an update......The foal was born at 2:46 this morning. the wife will upload some pics later, everything went really good, we were able to watch the entire pregnancy, it's a colt, quite big, and is black and white..absolutely gorgeous


Well-Known Member
1 October 2009
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At last, fantastic news! This must be the most anticipated arrival of any foaly I know! Phew, great news they are both doing fine. Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics! Well done to all concerned!


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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So, so pleased for you :) Can't wait to see some pictures.

Well done to Mum & you guys, hope you can get a good nights sleep now......