Well-Known Member
Bit of a grey area isn't it? I think the only way to prove it would be video not just photos to prove they are being forced into an unatural frame.
totally agree. But the FEI then shouldn't have come out and said they were dead against rollkur when people asked them wtf about these pictures,as that, to me at least, implies they recognise it as being rollkur. If that makes any sense?!
Anyway, it looks horrible. Even non horsey people I've shown it to think it looks cruel so if the FEI want dressage to remain an olympic sport they had better do something about it sharpish I think. It's already in danger of being thrown out without this kind of bad press.
FEI are, as usual, being useless and refusing to accept that what people outside the horse world think does, just occasionally, count towards how seriously the sport is taken.