tack hoarding opinions needed


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18 January 2006
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I tend to have a good clear out once a year & a huge eBay selling spree. I do it when my BE membership is due....this is more important to me than stuff I never use so makes the cull much less traumatic 😂


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17 November 2014
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I used to have tons of saddle pads but I had a clearout of them a few years ago. I worked on the theory that they must all have a different purpose. So I am left with a front riser, a rear riser, a normal polypad x2, a double thickness polypad, a wool numnah (one big, one small), a thin numnah (one big, one small), a thin saddlecloth (one big, one small) and a sticky numnah. It is plenty for two horses but I still find I miss some of the ones I sold.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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I've moved house a lot, so don't like accumulating too much. I usually sell horses with all the tack and rugs that fit them, so don't keep much. I e had to start from scratch when I bought my horse after a ten year break and again when all our tack/rugs got stolen. I didn't find it difficult or overly expensive.

I'd give what you can to a good charity.


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25 April 2008
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I recently sold a load of rugs, they were a mainly Rambo or Rhino rugs, all in good condition and clean. They had sat in my barn in rodent proof bins for 8 years since I lost my little horse, they won't go near either of the other horses. I was amazed how much they sold for on eBay! I was looking forward to having the money for this years eventing when my car decided to develop a major fault using all the money to repair it - at least I had the money to do it and we can still afford to event! It has encouraged me to sort out the rest of our kit and we are about to start listing more on eBay as its horrific how much stuff I just have sitting around! Maybe it will pay for eventing after all!

Ellen Durow

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15 March 2012
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I had building work done this week and I had to clear a room. It made me realise just how much tack and rugs and stuff I have accumulated over the years. I am not a hoarding sort of person except when it comes to horse things it seems! I am now thinking of selling some but cannot decide what. So what do you all keep and sell?

I am torn between what stays and what goes because I do not have anything obviously useless to me. I have things which do not fit current horses, but are things I like using for example favourite saddles or unusual design rugs, good quality things which would be sold at a loss and who knows what horses I might own in the future that these things might fit? I have things that fit current horses really well but which I do not like for example uncomfortable saddle and bridles which do not suit the horses looks. Then there are the things I dislike purely because they are pink! Some items came with a horse I bought and would need replacing if I get rid of them. Help me decide what to keep or sell please!
-If you haven't used it in the last 12 months get rid of it
-If you don't like it, get rid of it
-If it doesn't fit your horse and is never likely to, get rid of it. (You have no idea if, when or what type of horse you'll have in future)
-If it's in poor condition throw it away.

-If it fits a horse you already have, keep it as a spare. Things go missing when you need them most and it's useful to have a spare rug so the usual one can be washed before it walks of your horse's back under it's own steam or repaired before it's too far gone.
-Keep lead ropes and head collars.

Does your local horse charity or RDA branch run table top sales? You could probably sell a lot there (if it's clean and well-kept but if it's tat chuck it). Alternatively why not offer it as a gift to your local RDA or small horse charity. You aren't using it and won't be replacing it so it wouldn't be a waste of money to gift it away

Ellen Durow

Well-Known Member
15 March 2012
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If you don't need the money and it's not going manky sitting doing nothing just keep it.

I was just thinking should I sell a well used but still waterproof and sound Rambo I've got as it doesn't fit any of my horses. Then I thought well I would only get about 20 quid and if I managed to find another welsh D I like then it will probably fit it. So then I decided just to keep it lol
"ONLY £20"!! That's a couple of bags of feed or stable rent for a week!


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19 December 2005
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I had a massive clear out last year got rid of loads of stuff... Had accumulated over four different horses and about ten years worth of "junk".

Also had a think about some only the "shiney" things I had, and got rid of what I don't need. Horse is on working livery, so I don't leave nice saddlecloths on my saddle, or use an expensive bridle, so sold a lot of good stuff, to get some money, and get rid of some junk


Well-Known Member
17 November 2014
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Wench I am guilty of buying shiney things too :D

I need to get on with my big clear out soon and see what I actually have in all those bags and boxes cluttering up the spare room.