Tack Rooom ideas for storage etc please.


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14 November 2005
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I have just come from a livery yard that had everything I could want but had become very very pricey and winter turnout had become non existent for my horse. I want this facility for her. Old yard had a lovely little tack room attached to the stable and I had it perfectly organised for feed bins, shelves for turnout rugs, shelves for stable rugs and other shelves with boxes on which include hi vi stuff, lunge stuff, boots etc etc. Now I know I am a bit anal and have OCD but that is just me. I have just moved to another which has wonderful winter turnout, the hacking is much better than other yard and it much better price wise. But the tack room is an old container which is shared by 4 people, all having a corner each. Can anyone give me their ideas and suggestions of ways of keeping things neat and tidy and also easily accessible so if I want to lunge her for example without having to move all the boxes off each other etc. I know you cant have everything you want and we don't live in an ideal world.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2012
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I have a garage cupboard thing from Aldi and some plastic drawers that way back when used to be in my sons bedroom, plus a couple of feed bins. I worry that I take up far too much storage room but have no where to keep stuff at home :(


Well-Known Member
27 September 2014
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Could you get an old wardrobe? We have lockers at our yard which are a similar size to a single wardrobe. I have bridle hooks on the inside of the door, can fit 3 side by side. A saddle rack at the back with a shelf above where we store our helmets.
Under the saddle rack is a plastic set of drawers for horse boots, spare kit etc. Next to that is my first aid kit and grooming equipment.
I also have a metal trunk (My £10 bargain from ebay) which holds spare numnahs and rugs & I store other rugs in bags either on top of the locker or trunk.
I also use a over the door hook to hang rugs up to dry.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2010
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I like big, deep (usually free) chest freezers for keeping feed and rugs in. They are rat proof too. I've tried old Wheely bins (too deep) and dustbins. I don't have them but if you keep everything in boxes, the metal garage shelves would be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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I'd be inclined to get some metal/factory-type shelving; you can buy it new from DIY stores or on-line, but first I'd be inclined to have a look to see if there are any Clearance sales around as you'll probably get stuff like this somewhere if you hunt around for it.

I find plastic drawers good for stuff; keeps vermin out! Plus got a lovely big trunk storage think which was advertised as a "Garden storage chest" from either Lidls or Aldi, can't remember which! Fantastic for rugs.

Also I like to have bridles etc hanging up, so have bridle-hooks hanging from the ceiling (ask if you can bung a fastener into the roof joists or whatever is at your yard), these save a huge amount of time as your stuff is just hanging there ready, and fab for wet mucky headcollars as well as ease of cleaning!