

Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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Just wondering if you and Marmalade can remember someone called Dawn who was there around that time. She used to stable at the same yard as me and broke my old mare in. We had a lot of fun when we were young!! She went to Talland and became the youngest II in the country at the time, when they changed the age limits. Haven't seen her for years, she moved down south, although I do still see her mum!

Yes - I remember Dawn. Lovely girl, beautiful rider. I could only dream of sitting as well as her - sadly I was like a spider, with very little control over what my extremities were doing!!

It was Pammy who suggested I went to Germany, and that's probably the best advice I've ever been given.


Well-Known Member
12 November 2008
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I too have had 2 lessons at Talland a few years back. The first was a present of a lunge lesson and got a lot out of it. The instructor was very observant at correcting my position. However, there must have been 5 other lessons going on in the indoor at the same time, all on 20m circles! I then decided based on the lunge lesson to book a jumping lesson. I am only 5'5 at a push and not heavy, but ended up on a rangey, 17.1 hh stiff horse. To be honest, way over horsed in terms of size and as a result the lesson was a complete waste of money. Only jumped cross poles, which considering I have jumped around 1m 20 tracks,albeit a few years back, I was not impressed. I thought there was a reason for giving height and weight to avoid this. Sadly never went back.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
My own planet
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Gary - it is british trait - we dont complain, we would rather take our money and custom elsewhere. Surely an experianced instructor can tell just by the look on the pupil how the lesson is going, surely they pick up on feedback during the lesson, else how do they read horses and pupils ?

How much are the lessons nowadays -?


27 November 2009
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The only way that any business can grow and thrive is by receiving feedback from Customers, both good and not so good.
Lessons vary in price depending on the instructor you choose, I would suggest looking at their website for the latest prices, http://talland.net/h/Home

If you are clear at the outset, if your expectations are not met, then you should discuss this with the business. I am sure if you ordered a pink car and got a beige one you would not accept the incorrect one.

Unless we discuss issues/challenges with a business, how can we expect them to deliver the service we want?

I am British, but have no qualms in expressing my opinions with the office staff if I am not happy at any stage, however small and as I have always been treated in a respectful way, I am more than happy to recommend them at any opportunity :)
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27 November 2009
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Gary - it is british trait - we dont complain, we would rather take our money and custom elsewhere. Surely an experianced instructor can tell just by the look on the pupil how the lesson is going, surely they pick up on feedback during the lesson, else how do they read horses and pupils ?

How much are the lessons nowadays -?

As long as the instructor is informed of your specific requirements, then I am sure they can. If it is just that you want a lunge lesson, then it can open it up to personal interpretation can it not?


27 November 2009
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Unless you have given a supplier the opportunity to rectify your problem, how can you be negative about that Company? Sorry, that is wrong