Team Reggie: an utterly epic report... So much eventing!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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I've not done a report in a while because I've had a little thing called finals going on... But I have officially finished my degree, and am now deliberating over my options- do I want to be an engineer, or a maths teacher! Meanwhile Al has been going great guns with her team so I'll try to keep this novella vaguely interesting :)

First, we said goodbye to the lovely Tango. We advertised him at a fairly optimistic price we felt, and thought it would take a while to sell him. However, the phone rang off the hook and he sold to the first people who tried him and has now gone to be a Master's horse for a lovely local pack. It is the perfect home for him and while we'll miss him he couldn't have gone anywhere better!

So with a slightly condensed team Al began to plan her season in earnest. Reg is just going on jollies now while Smokes is having a more 'anywhere at all' approach to get him the competition exposure he really needs.

So Reg got a reprieve from the first two outings of SJ and an ODE at Blackwater Farm. Smokes excelled himself SJ with a lovely DC to come 4th out of a huge class, and he won some prize money! We're surprised his ego could fit in the lorry on the way home... His next outing was a bit of a trial with a nose net- he was getting increasingly unsettled and head-tossy, and Al thought that as it has come on at the same time that all the pollen is coming out it would be worth a shot.

He did a really sweet dressage test, so much more settled and happy, and he really showed that there's a lot to come from him as he becomes more established. He scored a 35, which was a nice improvement from his last outing!


Al was a bit apprehensive about the SJ, as last time she rode like a bit of a tit and she really doesn't want to let him down. But her worries were unfounded and they did a storming clear round, with him giving the fences his customary foot clearance. They went on to the XC where he showed how much he learns from each outing and did a lovely clear round. This was good enough to earn him another 4th place frillie- very proud of him, he's come on so much!


As a reward (Reg says this is no reward...!) Smokes was booked in for a Terry Boon dressage lesson. Al really wanted a new pair of eyes on them as she was feeling a bit flat about their flatwork. It was a huge success, Terry really worked well with them and gave her lots of little adjustments and really pushed them to improve. She came away feeling really inspired and confident. Some of the things she's really focussing on now are keeping the weight in her elbows and making sure the aids come from there rather than her wrists, and really keeping her concentration on Smokey. It sounds odd, but years of naughty ponies have her determinedly looking up and staring essentially into the middle distance- Terry pointed out you never see a pro doing that, she needs to really focus on Smokes and what he's doing and to look at him and learn his cues. It was such a good lesson, Al is saving her pennies to go back.

This is just a short clip of them working on the canter transitions.

Their final outing for this report was both boys going to Poplar Park for the PC 90cm ODE. Reg was told to be on his best behaviour because a family were coming to see him...

Obviously, Reg came off the lorry in one of his moods. He sometimes gets like that and there's not much you can do- he's not properly naughty, just deeply belligerent and sulky. He did a very pouty dressage with lots of tail swishing and grumpy face pulling for a well-deserved 41, and refused to be sweet talked in the break before his SJ. Normally polos and cuddles can bring him round but he was not to be appeased. In the SJ he was completely wild. He rocketed round doing a very good hokey cokey impression (head up, knees down, ra ra ra...) and Al just held on tight and tried to steer. He took out two fences but did his best to take out even more. Mum was with the family who were viewing him cringing! When they got to the XC warm up he decided it was time to play nicely and did his customary clear round inside the time- he is a big personality!

He came a very undeserving 6th (at no point of that outing did he do anything rosette worthy!), and in his post-XC cool down did allow himself to be cuddled and kissed and stuffed with polos, and decided he did actually like everyone again. Luckily the family who came to see him thought it was funny that everyone was so aghast as his behaviour and said if that was him at his worst then they'd like to see him again...

Smokes was, as ever, the Perfect Peter to Reg's Horrid Henry act. He did a really sweet test for 35, which left him 5th after the dressage. He is improving so much. In the SJ he was doing a really lovely, fluent round until he lost his footing into a related distance. He was really honest to take off but landed unbalanced and so had a green run out at the second part. But he was straight back in the game and completed the rest of the course really strongly, and in a much more flowing and relaxed manner.


Finally, the XC. Al was a bit apprehensive as the course was very twisty and trappy, and she wasn't sure if he was ready for it confidence-wise. However he gave her the best feeling he has done and really took her to the fences. She was so pleased with him, he was absolutely brilliant!


He came 7th in a far more competitive section than Reg's. Al and mum also met the lovely Rosiefan there- well done to Rosie on her amazing results!

So that's most of the adventures up to date. There's only really one other thing that occurred and that was a photo shoot for a lovely photographer who wanted a horsey shoot to add to her portfolio and after working with Reg and Al for the wedding shoot asked if Al would like to do it with her gang. There are some beautiful shots, but this is my absolute favourite.


All credit to the amazing Eliza Boo. It captures their relationship absolutely beautifully and it is most definitely being framed and hung in pride of place!

Finally, we've had Smokes for a year now. He has been an absolute delight for the entirety of that time and Al is ever so lucky to have found her little lunatic.

Hope this hasn't been too epic for you all! I can offer nutella and strawberry pancakes, or marmite toast... I'm being very lazy in my post-exam haze :D


Well-Known Member
16 September 2008
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Lovely report! I do hope you still have time to write Al's eventing career up when you join the big bad world of work!
PS Congrats on finishing your exams


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4 November 2010
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What a lovely photo! That very much deserves pride of place on the wall :) I've seen the videos of Smokes on youtube, I was enjoying watching their xc at Poplar particularly last night - how mega does he look now! Looking very much the event pony :) Dressage lesson sounds very interesting.

I would bite your hand off for nutella and strawberry pancakes. In fact I may now have to go and raid the kitchen as you've made me hungry :p


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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Congrats on the qualification! I vaguely remember finishing my finals and it was a rather liberating feeling. At least I didn't have much choice in what job I went into though... ;)

Smokey is really coming on. Top marks for patience and perseverance. Did I imagine that Al was going back to work where she had been a WP, or did plans change?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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What a lovely report - I always love reading about Team Reggie and am rather partial to Smokes (nothing to do with the fact that he's grey, honest ;)).



Well-Known Member
17 May 2012
South of Scotland
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Omg, smokes is such a dude these days!!! Him and Al are such a good pair :) glad to hear Tango is settled happily and wishing you all the best with the search for Reg :)

And such massive congrats on the degree completion - well done!!! You will miss the four month summer vac though :p


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5 May 2011
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Gosh, a year?! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun hey! I absolutely LOVE him, he's got such a game little face :D and you have just got to laugh at dear old reggie being a bit of a diva!


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11 February 2007
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I lurve your reports Lolo, thank you and as above I hope you can find time to keep us all in the loop when you have to go and do the boring work thingy. I missed Reg but saw bits of gorgeous Smokey on the day. Al is a lucky girl and I love that she's getting to grips with that dressage rubbish these poor eventers have to do. Only thing is all that trotting round in circles stuff really does help with everything else.
It was lovely to meet Mum and Al - only sorry you were busy with the finals business meaning I still haven't met you :) Huge congrats on finishing and good luck whatever you decide to do.


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2 October 2008
New Zealand
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Norty Reg! He obviously knew something was up and thought he'd better do something to stay right where he is :D
Smokes looks awesome, he seems very confident cross country and game for more


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Well done on everything, all round, both of you, reading your post with a big big smile :biggrin3: and I can't believe you've had Smokey a year already


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Lovely report! I do hope you still have time to write Al's eventing career up when you join the big bad world of work!
PS Congrats on finishing your exams

Hopefully I will! Thank you, it's a massive relief. I have to retake one exam for definite (I was very ill during it) but it's my strongest subject so I'm not too worried!

Lovely update, so glad to see it is all going so well, and well done on finishing your degree :)

Thank you :) It's a lot of fun now, it feels like all the years of slog are beginning to show themselves a bit on paper!

What a lovely photo! That very much deserves pride of place on the wall :) I've seen the videos of Smokes on youtube, I was enjoying watching their xc at Poplar particularly last night - how mega does he look now! Looking very much the event pony :) Dressage lesson sounds very interesting.

I would bite your hand off for nutella and strawberry pancakes. In fact I may now have to go and raid the kitchen as you've made me hungry :p

He's finally twigged how to gallop well, rather than either his scuttle or flat-out raving loony mode :D Proper eventing pony! The lesson was brilliant, Al came away really inspired and Terry was amazing- he managed to give lots to work on without overloading them or making her feel like she's useless.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Congrats on the qualification! I vaguely remember finishing my finals and it was a rather liberating feeling. At least I didn't have much choice in what job I went into though... ;)

Smokey is really coming on. Top marks for patience and perseverance. Did I imagine that Al was going back to work where she had been a WP, or did plans change?

Civil Engineering tends to be a bit obvious (althought not as much as yours!) but I love teaching so I'm conflicted!

And thank you, he's a bit of a swot and now he's really getting it he's improving hugely. She is, at the end of the summer although plans might change and end up with her going back earlier.

What a lovely report - I always love reading about Team Reggie and am rather partial to Smokes (nothing to do with the fact that he's grey, honest ;)).


He's greying out too, we're dreading him going properly Kali-levels white as he'll be eternally grubby! Thank you :)

Congratulations - bet you're glad it's over!

Lovely update, smokes is looking smashing.

So glad, it's been a long long slog! And thank you- he rather agrees :D


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Omg, smokes is such a dude these days!!! Him and Al are such a good pair :) glad to hear Tango is settled happily and wishing you all the best with the search for Reg :)

And such massive congrats on the degree completion - well done!!! You will miss the four month summer vac though :p

I dunno, I normally work full time through my holidays to earn my rent- I'm quite looking forwards to doing something that interests me for money instead :D

Thank you :) We're still searching for Reg, no one is quite 'right'. But Smokes is a good tonic to that difficulty with his bouncy jolliness and the fact we found Tango the perfect home so quickly is a bit encouraging.

Well done Team Reggie!!

Smokes is totally awesome!!!!. Can't believe she has had him a year already :eek3: !!!

I know! I feels like a lot longer and a lot less time all at once! Thank you :)

Gosh, a year?! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun hey! I absolutely LOVE him, he's got such a game little face :D and you have just got to laugh at dear old reggie being a bit of a diva!

He is adorable- he always gets 'what a trier' comments in lessons, and he really is. He really really does want to do everything right first time, and so when he stopped but then stayed calm instead of getting in a tizz it was a real accomplishment.

Reg is a mega diva, and we love him for it. He does exactly as he pleases and it's testament to his lovely character that the naughtiest he gets is still fairly good by most standards!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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I lurve your reports Lolo, thank you and as above I hope you can find time to keep us all in the loop when you have to go and do the boring work thingy. I missed Reg but saw bits of gorgeous Smokey on the day. Al is a lucky girl and I love that she's getting to grips with that dressage rubbish these poor eventers have to do. Only thing is all that trotting round in circles stuff really does help with everything else.
It was lovely to meet Mum and Al - only sorry you were busy with the finals business meaning I still haven't met you :) Huge congrats on finishing and good luck whatever you decide to do.

It's an uphill battle with stressage, but Smokes is very rewarding because he shows the improvement and isn't limited physically. Hopefully we'll run into each other this summer, I think Rosie and Al might be doing a fair few coinciding events :)

Norty Reg! He obviously knew something was up and thought he'd better do something to stay right where he is :D
Smokes looks awesome, he seems very confident cross country and game for more

Oh god, probably. He's a so-and-so!

Smokes is really twigging what it's all about, and enjoyed himself so much :) He's classy!

Well done on everything, all round, both of you, reading your post with a big big smile :biggrin3: and I can't believe you've had Smokey a year already

I know! It was such a difficult month last year I'm glad this year has been much less nasty :) Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Lovely report as usual, so interesting and exciting with Smokey - ah yes, the dreaded elbows. It does make a LOT of difference, as I watched my daughter ride my horse and used to yell "elbows" at her all the time!

Keep up the good work - all of you!

As for career, congratulations on finishing, what ever you decide isn't set in stone for ever.


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3 April 2003
South East
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Lovely report - great to hear Smokey is coming on so well. Naughty Reg though - perhaps he trying to say he wants to be a PC Tetrathlon horse! ;) And congratulations on the degree as well!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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Yay for finishing uni :D but I'm joining you in the not sure what to do next thing.

All of team reggie looks fab as usual. Reggies naughty is quite laughable, sorry Reg! Smokes is just a little star, but don't tell him that, I don't think his ego needs it :p.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Lovely report as usual, so interesting and exciting with Smokey - ah yes, the dreaded elbows. It does make a LOT of difference, as I watched my daughter ride my horse and used to yell "elbows" at her all the time!

Keep up the good work - all of you!

As for career, congratulations on finishing, what ever you decide isn't set in stone for ever.

Yep, the dreaded hand/ elbow situation! It seems to be sticking ok, so fingers crossed next lesson everyone will be pleased with the progress made!

Thank you :)

Lovely report - great to hear Smokey is coming on so well. Naughty Reg though - perhaps he trying to say he wants to be a PC Tetrathlon horse! ;) And congratulations on the degree as well!

He would LOVE to be a tetrathlon horse, that would be his absolute ideal career! But equally he'd love a home where he's a much adored pet who goes on lovely long hacks and beach visits and just gets lots of cuddles and polos. He's a proper family horse but I think the fact he's a 17hh ex-racer puts people off an awful lot :(

Yay for finishing uni :D but I'm joining you in the not sure what to do next thing.

All of team reggie looks fab as usual. Reggies naughty is quite laughable, sorry Reg! Smokes is just a little star, but don't tell him that, I don't think his ego needs it :p.

Reggie has not got the naughty thing down, bless him. He did a very good line in pouts and glares though... Think Smokes and YP could teach him a thing or two!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Super report. I love that photo of Reg! Smokey is doing brilliantly, I am so pleased for Al :) :)

It's lovely, it was such a lucky opportunity for her and there are some stunning photos of her and her boys from it. It's just the way she's smiling for him alone makes me smile too :) Thank you!

Great report! :) Not Reg I hope he behaves better next time. Smokey is lovely and looking very grown-up :)

Congrats on finishing your degree!

Thank you, it's a massive relief! And no, Reg definitely doesn't deserve congratulations for his display- he is such a monster sometimes! I suppose we're very lucky that he considers the height of bad behaviour to pull snarly faces and swish his tail, and then knock some poles down though :D

She has been busy! Well done on getting finals over with.

Thank you! And yes, proper busy bee- she's constantly dashing about Norfolk like a blue-arsed fly and is loving every second.

Congratulations all round, I love reading your progress reports!

Thank you :) Hopefully there'll be a few more this summer before Al jets off to the sunny lands of Northampton!