

Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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My 6 year old TB has been off for about 3 weeks with initially 4-5/10 lameness which lessened after the first week to 1-2/10 lameness. After x rays and a scan he has been diagnosed with tendonitis. Just wondered if anyone had any experience of this condition eg how often it can occur, any special treatment needed from now on etc. My vet is now away on holiday and the bloke who actually did the scan wasn't exactly helpful so not really wanting to ring for advice if I can help it!!!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I had it in my toe

I know it is not horsey, but it was absolute agony! I had Cortisone injections straight into the tendon which were fantastic and after three (one a month) I have never had any other problems with the toe apart from it clicks every so often which it could have done before just never noticed it.


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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My horse has been diagnosed with tendonitis in his hock.. he has been given anti inflamatories and rested with restricted movement etc... he had about 3 months off and he will be coming back into walk only work tomorow and gradually building up if all goes well (everything crossed!!!!!).... different for every horse though, so I suggest you play it safe and carry on resting him until you can speak to the vet!

From what I have learnt, tendonitis is one of those things where you have to be really patient and do whatever is needed to make sure its fully mended before beginning work again cos each time you have a set back, the chances of full recovery decrease...

So on the plus side - If you take the time etc to get it fully sorted now, it should never be a problem again! And it sounds like yours is improving with rest, so fingers crossed it will sort itself out given time.

Your vet will best be able to advise what to do or not to do to help recovery though, so get in touch with him ASAP, or another vet if yours is away for a long time.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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my mare is resting with a front leg tendonitus at the moment as last post said it is immportant to rest until fully recovered and then take i slowly back into work .i know how it feels as i have achielles tentonitus myself and if i get as i feel ok then do too much i am back at square one ,so its a time thing ,good luck with your horses recovery


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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Thanks for all your advice - vet came to see him again yesterday and was very pleased with his progress (thnak god!!!) He managed to contain himself being trotted up - mincing about as he went!!! but it got to being lunged and he just couldn't contain himself any longer and threw in some of the biggest bucks I have seen in a long time!! She is happy now for him to be turned out and he has a months work at just walk and trot and then attempt some canter if all is ok - did have to laugh when she said I need to avoid mud/heavy going/wet conditions because of the scabs on his legs when we were standing in the middle of a field in the rain !! Vets got to love em!!!Hope everyone else's neddies are on the road to recovery soon