Terrified of moving yards... Please help!!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2011
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Ok so 'scuse the melodramatic title, but I am genuinely worried.

Current yard is not working out for me... Difficult to ride when I want to, horses on insanely strict routine, all too many sources of stress.

I have the opportunity to move to a large yard, with brilliant facilities but I'm absolutely terrified of how my horse will react. He's a known stress head in the field and at present if other horses go in, he will go a bit wild. He's also tricky to lead and gets stressy, rears up and barges into people. He's led in a chifeney (please don't shoot me down) to try and combat this. At present yard, all horses go in and turned out together, so he knows he's going in when another is caught etc.

Anyway, new yard is 'herd' turn out and I'm scared he'll make a nuisance of himself as he's not used to being in with other horses. There's also a lot of comings and goings. Just wondered... Is he likely to just get used to it once he realises everyone is on different routines? Or am I likely to make myself lots of enemies very quickly?

Any help much appreciated! Xx


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3 January 2008
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My stressful horse was better in a herd and on a busy yard. He thrived on the routine they had.

I think you need to bite the bullet and go for it, it's the only way you're going to find out.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2011
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My stressful horse was better in a herd and on a busy yard. He thrived on the routine they had.

I think you need to bite the bullet and go for it, it's the only way you're going to find out.

Thanks... Maybe you're right. Was your horse stressy with others coming and going?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Tyne and Wear
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I have an ottb and was originally on a smallish quiet yard, he to wasnt happy about others being brought in with out him, i came to the decision that that yard wasnt suiting either of us and moved him to a much much larger busy yard. I was worried that he would be a total nightmare with the move but he wasnt from day one he was no problem at all. Horses are in herd turnout and all come in and out at different times of the day and as long as he isnt left out completly alone he is fine, the busy atmosphere suits him down to the ground and he is a million times better behaved and more relaxed as he always has something to keep him entertained and doesnt get bored like he did on the little quiet yard, id say go for it :)


Well-Known Member
30 November 2011
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I have an ottb and was originally on a smallish quiet yard, he to wasnt happy about others being brought in with out him, i came to the decision that that yard wasnt suiting either of us and moved him to a much much larger busy yard. I was worried that he would be a total nightmare with the move but he wasnt from day one he was no problem at all. Horses are in herd turnout and all come in and out at different times of the day and as long as he isnt left out completly alone he is fine, the busy atmosphere suits him down to the ground and he is a million times better behaved and more relaxed as he always has something to keep him entertained and doesnt get bored like he did on the little quiet yard, id say go for it :)

Ohhhh that's v interesting! I had pondered as to whether somewhere busier would keep his little brain more entertained!! He's mr chilled in his stable but the field/ leading situation is not good.

Think I will go for a proper look round the new place shortly :)


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Tyne and Wear
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Ohhhh that's v interesting! I had pondered as to whether somewhere busier would keep his little brain more entertained!! He's mr chilled in his stable but the field/ leading situation is not good.

Think I will go for a proper look round the new place shortly :)

It deffinatly helped mine alot his whole attitude towards everything has changed and hes chilled right out :) good luck finding somewhere to suit you both :)


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21 March 2007
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I agree with everything said. I know this may sound completely obvious, but talk through your concerns about your horse and his behaviour with the yard owner when you see them. Be open and honest and you may be able to work out the best way of dealing with him. It also may stop you being disappointed if things are not exactly as you expect when the new place has a horse with issues they were not expecting. I have seen too many liveries have issues when they move that could have been avoided if they had been honest. We had new livery arrive recently at our yard which is individual paddocks, not everyones cup of tea but for us liveries it works. New horse does not like to be on its own and jumps fences to be in with others. Owner knew this before she moved but said nothing. This is causing major problems horse cannot be turned out unless with something, but no one wants their horse in with it. Honesty is the best policy.


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8 January 2015
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Used to have my ridiculously stressy gelding at home with two others - everything freaked him out. Moved him to part-livery yard with 20+ horses (individual turn out) and he has settled remarkably quickly. He's still spooky, but he's stopped box walking, is better to turn out/bring in and not bothered by comings and goings of other horses unless he's one of the last out or in. Having spoken to the yard owner, he's early in the 'schedule'. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
5 July 2007
Beautiful Hampshire
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There's a horse in our yard who's lead in a chiffney, it's a professional & we'll run yard and isn't a problem. I imagine it would only be an issue if they were an incompetent yard.

I would go for it!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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You may find moving to a different yard that your horse is a different character. Our mare is a lot calmer at the yard she's on than she was at home (no kids whooping down the road or trucks reversing and banging about as they build the housing estate opposite).