Snow Falcon
Hoping for drier days
Negative for PSSM1 but suspect PSSM2. Those of you who have tested for type2 which did you perform? Biopsy, blood or hair?
Thanks for your reply. I am aware that the tests are not reliable nor some peer reviewed. I have already read that vit E is only for PSSM1. Trying to decide best course of action. ?
Already tried vit E prior to testing for type 1.
There is no reliable test. The hair/DNA test is flawed. Biopsy is the next best option but needs to be done when the horse is symptomatic or you can get a false negative. The hair test can be helpful as it can indicate which type of PSSM you are looking at, but you do need to be aware that horses can carry the gene and yet not have PSSM at all. There is also no defined treatment and the prognosis is very poor sadly.
Please dont just whack a high dose of vitamin e into them. That isnt the treatment for type 2 and wont rule in or out type 2 pssm.
I've got animo acids from Progressive Earth on order to see if that helps. Bloods run recently didn't bring up anything significant, lymes test showed exposure at some point but no current infection.
I've got animo acids from Progressive Earth on order to see if that helps. Bloods run recently didn't bring up anything significant, lymes test showed exposure at some point but no current infection.
@ quizzie not this time round-no. Have done previously and levels were normal.
This is not entirely true....PSSM2 is often used as a coverall diagnosis for any muscle myopathy that is not PSSM1. Some of the known ( and probably unknown ) myopathies DO respond to Vit E, eg MFM ( myofibrillar myositis)
Yup, but a high dose of vitamin e wont work for most type 2s and isnt a good place to start. It should never be used as a diagnostic tool for type 2.
Yup, but a high dose of vitamin e wont work for most type 2s and isnt a good place to start. It should never be used as a diagnostic tool for type 2.
Regarding testing selenium level, according to my vet it is extremely tricky to obtain a reliable result, she did not recommend doing it.
Apparently the problem is getting it to the lab without deterioration in the sample.I think the selenium is fairly accurate at most labs, but the vitamin E sample has to be very carefully handled ( frozen within a short period of sampling, and not delayed in post to specialist lab!).
I know it is a cost, but a few samples over a period of time will soon show if there is a pattern.
Apparently the problem is getting it to the lab without deterioration in the sample.
Quizzie, I would have to go back and check. Appreciate all your help.
SEL, there were 3 separate variants results to the lymes, I think they were acute/chronic and ? We've had 2 other ponies with it at the fields and they displayed slightly different symptoms. She's not displaying anything like them but we have an abundance of deer here!
Iodine is the other deficiency that can lead to muscle stiffness.