Thankyou Lucretia! Dozzie jumped brilliantly! Highclere ride.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2006
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So, took Dozzie to a CC ride today at Highclere (would really recommend it!). Got up early and happened to read Lucretia's post in Latest news. Also read the linked articles and boy did they make me think!

I went on my own, as last time I went with a group and she was just a pain in the bum!

Also went in the snaffle rather than the pelham, although I did put the flash and martingale on, which I think I needed. So much better. So that was good.

Having read the article about horses becoming to rider dependent, I realised I was trying to do too much for Dozzie and messing her strides up, so decided I was not going to interfere. Wow! What a difference! At first she was a bit unsure but within a few fences she was loving it and finding the right stride herself virtually every time! She jumped everything happily on the whole, no whip needed, no clobbering fences etc. The only time she messed up was when I had to check her speed and this was only when another horse was ahead and she wanted to play catchy uppy!

She cat leapt the fences in front of the photographer of course! Think I was trying to interfere again (vanity kicked in I think!)The last CC ride I went on she was really sticky and hit everything and I really didnt think she would come back to jumping cross country again, but I was with a group and maybe faffing about with her too much!I think we would benefit from some gridwork with no reins like we did in the old days but i think I would prefer to do that in an indoor school!

So had a fab ride with such a huge leap forward.
So Thanks Lucretia!


Well-Known Member
7 January 2008
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gosh. thank you for your thanks but you are very welcome, i just thought that article was the most common sense i had read for a long time. i am very glad you found it useful and had a good time today x