The big move/ideas?


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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My life has been a bit hectic lately and in the middle of it all a yard i had put my name down for ages ago rang to say they have a stable free, and i had to act quick cause the yard rarely ever has a stable free. I was panicking about telling old yard i was leaving cause its all ive ever known and theyve been so good to me but i just felt it was time to go. Jed has been very anxious lately and quite up the walls, He hated the stable and would sweat up and be very agitated, tossing his head and rushing the door etc and how he behaved standing on the yard would be hit or miss..if anyone was about he would be mental...hes been getting worse and worse for the farrier (had to twitch him last week!) and ridden he was quite backward cause it is very deep and he tripped a few times as there is now a track around the edge.

Only been at new yard one day and my biggest fear was he would go into the stable (they get brought in at 2) and end up going bonkers but i arrived about 4 to find him totally chilled out just looking about taking it all in. Horses were moving about and he just watched, i advised YO that he liked to be first out, but see what he is like and she text to say he stood in the stable waiting patiently to be taken out. The set up is totally different and frankly much better for a horse like him (barn style) but for him to be essentially settled in one day is fab! Wish i had gone years ago now. Now i just need to get my arse back in the saddle cause i havent ridden in ages cause i had just got bored and in a rut, but with a massive fibre arena thats levelled and YO being an instructor who puts on proper lessons every week, i reckon i will get into it!

One dilemma i have is the haynets go outside the stables, which works for them all bar Jed. As its the first stable there is not enough room to put a shelf or anything there....what to do? lol



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16 January 2006
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if you can't put a garden box to put the nets in, see if you can fix heavy duty canvas to the wall, the nets can go under this and when they are not there the canvas will late flat against the wall, if you weight it if he tries to lift it will drop straight down again.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Could you just put it outside his neighbour's stable and make sure the yard knows his are in the green / red/ blue haynets while his neighbour's are yellow/pink etc?

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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Its amazing how much different the right yard can make. This one sounds much better for you and him.

I'd just stick my haynets further down or outside a neighbours box and put a tag on so they knew which one was mine. Or put them under a big tub trug maybe? I have a huge one I feed hay from that would easily cover a big net