The Christmas Downer :(


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3 July 2014
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So I am not really a christmas person at all, I find it can all feel a bit fake sometimes and I don't really get that excited about it anyway.

I realise I never gave an update on B - vet was out and he is sound behind 100%, vet wasn't concerned at all. In front, vet thought he's not really much better than he was last time he saw him and has said realistically, he may not come right as he has had 6 months out and he felt there was little improvement.

Bit of a downer right before christmas, I'm off uni until the 22nd and have nothing to do. I hadn't really been enjoying uni, and I know if I text my old boss to see if she'd need me in at all I probably would end up going back. I'd been hoping B had come right or at least was nearly right so I could start doing a bit more with him to take up my time.

For the last few years I've always rode B on Christmas, it's nice as there's not many people who ride so we essentially have the place to ourselves and can spend 20-30 minutes having a bit of fun. Last year he got fairylights in his mane on christmas eve for fun and christmas day we had a bit of fun trying 'pole bending' as someone had a line of jump standards in the middle of the arena, year before we went for a canter bareback, year before that we relaxed and schooled outside and he gets his christmas mash sandwhich of carrots, turnip, apple, banana etc. It was one of the bits of christmas I really enjoyed, as I find being with family can get a bit tedious at times especially when I'm already not feeling great mentally and physically.

Just feels a bit odd this year, especially without my christmas pony time :(


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5 April 2010
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With you on the Christmas thing hubby and I are alone as we cannot join the family in France due to Our Livery Yard. No tree - no decorations in the house, however the yard has lights round it.

Christmas is a lot of hipe now as too many sad things and losses at this time, also Christmas shopping ( in shops is a pain in the a"" ) I could do without it really, Wont spoilt for others though - but for me there is NOTHING to look forward too except feed one end of the horses and clearing up after them during the festive season.

I have got it lucky though unlike those poor owners who lost horses in the arson fire - I think we should spare a thought for them when we see our horses over Christmas


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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I think Christmas has been a non event for many this year so don't get too hung up on it. Enjoy the Uni break and still spend time with your boy. We haven't planned anything this year as my dad took seriously ill recently. There are things more important than lights and tinsel. Hope there is some improvement with your boy


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27 October 2008
North West
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My husband & I are atheist so the religious side of Christmas means nothing to us. However we do like to put up a tree & lights, send cards to friends & exchange presents with family. We usually spend Christmas Day at home, just the 2 of us, horses & cats. A fairly normal day except I like turkey & hubby doesn’t so it’s the only day of the year we have a turkey dinner. After doing horses we light a fire, open a bottle of bubbly & just relax. A really restful day.

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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I dont really do Christmas. We dont have decorations up or do any present wrapping or anything. We do buy each other a gift, but its not a big deal. I bought myself a laptop yesterday as I wanted a new one. Any presents are just token gifts. I spent £10 extra on Christmas shopping. I refuse to buy mountains of food just because its Christmas. I've been dragged to the inlaws today and managed 3 hours before I'd had enough and we came home. The whole thing is a total non event, although I do enjoy the extra time off work! And I love HHO SS!!

You dont need to get sucked into it. Spend some time seeing your friends or reading or find something to watch on Netflix. Do the things you enjoy doing but dont get time to do because of uni/horses. Its only one day, it will soon be over :)


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3 July 2014
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I've told mum next year not to bother, and to take herself to New Zealand. It seems like a lot of money is wasted/spent on food that's not eaten or isn't really needed (or liked) when it could go elsewhere. She travelled a lot when she was younger so I have to say she did sound tempted. I know if I can get money together, and as I'll have a month off uni, I might go and see if one of my brothers wants to come too as I know he's also keen on the idea :p

I also think I'm going to start including on my CV that I'm willing to work over Christmas/boxing day (although maybe not New Years lol) without too much complaint. I don't mind the presents and everything else, enjoy giving good presents, but it all just seems a bit much especially when I'm not enjoying it and have a lot of things stressing me out atm.

I also wish I could sit back and relax, I've had problems finding friends who have time for me now I'm home sadly as they've all got plans with family/other friends and go back to uni fairly early in January so I've limited time to see them. Sort of wish I had my job back, but I know if I go back to it the chances are I may end up dropping out of uni because I'm also not enjoying it.


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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I don't think it helps when on TV, social media, friends posts, forums etc etc...what seems to be the 'perfect' Christmas, when in reality, it's what you make it I suppose.

We've been busy with trying to get the new porch finished so this year (but has happened in previous years) not decorations up and although we had a good lunch, no fancy crockery or table decorations.

I find I have to turn off to what others are doing, I removed myself from the family Whatsapp chat because I really do start to feel very low around this time of year. 'Perfect' family members and their 'perfect' houses and Christmases...ARGH! Maybe its because I need an injection of sunshine??

We do have a holiday in Feb to look forward to though!

Its really hard to feel motivated about the holidays, I'll be honest, already looking forward to spring. :)


Well-Known Member
28 February 2013
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I'm sorry to hear that sasquatch, but you aren't alone! Christmas has been a huge downer for me too. Not only is mum (who makes the effort!) overseas, last week my mare ran into *something* and opened her knee right up and fractured a chip off her bone. She's spent a week in hospital and is now back on yard rest, after having surgery on the same leg in August :(

To make matters worse, my riding horse cut herself on a fence the day the injured mare came home from hospital. So now I can't even ride over Christmas and New Years, and my friends appear too busy to have time for me either (fair enough), but it makes life very lonely at the moment. Next year will be better hopefully :(


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
Here in france there is no build up, no hype... some stunning decorations and markets, but no pressure. Ive picked up via my twitter frjends a kot kf people couldn't be bothered, but you know what... thats ok ! Im a Yule gjrl myself, but that a whole other story.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2008
N. Bucks
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My OH and I have increasingly "shut down" Xmas over the last few years. He works in retail so by the day is knackered and overdosed on it, I really cant be bothered and my son feels much the same way. Yesterday OH spent the day in bed and I spent it on the sofa, both of us feeling absolutely awful with this hideous cold virus thing that simply wont go. We have food in the fridge that hasnt even been looked at as neither of us has any appetite and the whole thing has been the biggest non event ever.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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I hate Christmas, I always have ever since I was a child. It's just so fake and commercialised so I stay well out of it. We don't have decorations or presents, I refuse to rush out and buy loads of tat just because it's "tradition" to give a present on dec 25th...If I see something I think someone will like and can afford it I will buy it whatever the time of year.

We have a nice meal but it has to be something easy, I don't like cooking although I love food ;-) so Dinner will be something that's heat and eat from M&S - the lamb we had was superb!! We don't bother with posh crockery or table decs either.

I don't like religion so that aspect is out for me too...

I really hate the way the UK has become so Christmas obsessed with many people getting into thousands of pounds of debt just to impress family and friends..One day I will spend the holiday in a country where it's not a big deal....But I'm really glad the farce is over and I can look forward to spring and longer lighter evenings!!


Well-Known Member
16 August 2010
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We had the family here yesterday & I cooked for 8. It was all fine but somehow this year I had done no Christmas shopping nor organised any presents/wrapping. Most people will be getting vouchers etc, but worst of all has been toothache all weekend. Really felt like hiding away under the duvet. Boys all flat out feeding the cattle & I'm feeling guilty for doing the washing up indoors! Bah Humbug