The daftest thing you have done when you should know better....


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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....a few years ago, was clipping the big 'oss outside (was too lazy to go in the stable.....very bad....I know.....) and it was windy.....

He spooked....and ran over me. Literally.

Amazed he didn't crush me 'ead in....

Should have know better!

List yours here!



Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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The first time BH was ever clipped he was being an idiot (snorting prancing etc) to begin with. Then he settled down for me to do his front end. Still wary, but stood quiet enough. Then I stopped for a few mins to oil the clippers and walked back up to him and turned them on on his flank. Didn't even think. He booted me of course. Right on the thigh. Never been so glad he doesn't wear shoes in my life. Totally deserved it though. Poor old boy, I must have scared the beejesus out of him!

Fortunately he'll still tolerate me clipping him. He's a good fella like that :)


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9 July 2009
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My nervous highly strung cob (yes they do exist lol) had been on box rest for a week with a dropped pelvis. Had it fixed then decided to try him for the first time in my new bareback saddle pad before turning him out. Got on, he grew about 5hh bigger had a walk round our jump paddock, lots of snorting and me saying i think this is a dumb idea......walked out the entrance...bloody thing spooked turned 360 degrees repeatedly til i fell off and buggered off back to his stable. I had absolutely nothing to hang onto.......everyone on the yard was watching.....boy did i feel like a dumbass....
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Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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I crawl under his belly if he is up against the stable wall and I cant be bothered to move him. I sit down when I'm brushing his legs, lead him with the rope just on my shoulder and plenty more I'm not going to admit to on here.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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mare was being naughty climbing up the stable wall and generally bad mannered. picked the whip up off the floor and gave her a smack across the arse with it. i was behind her ;-) and a leg length away! bam. she kicked me straight in the hand and cracked my knuckles and broke 3 fingers ;-) duurrr!

Devonshire dumpling

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28 March 2011
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mare was being naughty climbing up the stable wall and generally bad mannered. picked the whip up off the floor and gave her a smack across the arse with it. i was behind her ;-) and a leg length away! bam. she kicked me straight in the hand and cracked my knuckles and broke 3 fingers ;-) duurrr!

Thats got to be the best one!! lol

Devonshire dumpling

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28 March 2011
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Mine is trying to catch my late TB in the field, he was in a cheeky mood, you know when you walk up to them and they start eating rapidly whilst watching you, you just know they are gonna bugger off, I played this game for 30 mins, cat and mouse!! I then lost my temper and threw the headcollar at his arse, all this did was make him gallop around very pleased with himself, was very counterproductive!!!!!! Bet others have done that, come on admit it!

Mince Pie

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13 June 2011
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My boy was on box rest in isolation for a month following a skin condition. Upon being given the all clear from the vet to ride him again I promptly took him round our 'gallop hack'. As soon as his feet hit the grass he fly bucked about 6 or 7 times, shot me out of the saddle and pegged it! I spent nearly an hour trying to catch him again :eek: :rolleyes:


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7 May 2011
North West, Lancashire
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iv done that devonshiredumpling! but with a put of suncream... the lid came off and it went everywhere it wasnt supposed to be!! ,... wouldnt matter but it wasnt actually my horse =/ oops!!


Well-Known Member
17 July 2009
South Wales
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I fed my mare a carrot infront of a jealous horse - resulted in me dragging my mare out the field to avoid her getting kicked. :(

I sit down grooming my horses' legs all the time and will crawl under my gelding's belly too when he's in the way. I also jog back to the field with my gelding trotting behind me without a head collar on.


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8 December 2007
Cornwall, on a hill
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Having removed my jacket whilst grooming as I got too hot, I left it hanging over the stable door, and went to fill a net. Came back, horse had chucked my jacket over into the next stable...straight into the water bucket. Retrieved soggy coat.
It wasn't until I got to my car a few minutes later that I realised my mobile phone was missing.......and found it in the bottom of the same bucket under 6 inches of water (fallen out of the pocket). had to send it away to get it fixed!!
Daft of me: I KNOW my 5YO likes to play with stuff!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Bruises from my stupid thing I did



and more ouch




Well-Known Member
23 February 2010
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When I had my old pony I was grooming him and I had fly gel (in the tub) because he didn't like sprayers, I had put the stuff on him, turned round to get something then heard a thud.. He had knocked the tub off the fence where I had left it, and of course I had left the lid off...

Not that bad but considering i used to get £5 a week then and no job and that fly gel was like £10 for the tub I was soon scraping it up off the floor! little git :D


Well-Known Member
28 July 2008
Kent/Sussex Borders
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..not daft..just a didnt think moment

i whipped off a turnout from a liverys pony..that had leg straps!!

i remove mine, and replace with filet strings at the back..luckily, he stood still whilst i untangled him...:rolleyes:

I did that today :D I then attempted to rug this same horse up with the same rug.. but it was the wrong way round. I stood there for like 5 minutes trying to figure out why it looked so odd.. Duur!! How long have I been rugging up horses?!!! :p xx


Well-Known Member
12 March 2008
Who Knows Moved That Often
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well there was the time i was mounting on my boy and the saddle was loose and so i did like a leap thing and flew straight over and landed on the otherside :eek:
And my non horsey one i once put shower gel on thinking it was deodorant (sp) i was completely confussed when i looked down and it was all foaming up from under my arms etc :D:D what a bimbo i am...... i would tell you more but don't want to be put in a home lol :D

smelly ginger

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26 May 2011
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Many a time I have left gates open, knowing horses will escape but not thinking to close them. Needless to say horses always escape!

Also if D is in the way and I can't be ar*ed to move him I just go under his belly with haynets, bags of straw, brooms etc...


Well-Known Member
29 November 2005
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I used to keep my horses down the lane, three of them, and in the summer months when the flies were driving them mad, I'd walk down the lane with the dogs, through the top gate into their field and they would all follow me down to the bottom gate which led out onto the lane (no through lane). At which point I would leave them, run into the barn (next gate in lane) to get the headcollars. Nip back into the bottom gate, put headcollars on and lead them all into the barn for the day.

Well, one day I thought - how silly me keep going out to get headcollars when they will all just follow me anyway, just like cows going in for milking.

So I just opened the gate and expected them all to follow me into the barn as usual.... but Oh No!!!

As soon as they hit the lane they caught the smell of freedom!!!

All three immediately decided to bunk off up the lane at full pelt :eek:

Standing there, watching their backsides disappearing, and wondering quite what to do, I went into the barn to get the headcollars first (which is what I should have done in the first place) and as luck would have it - the postman drove past!!

I flagged him down, threw all his post on the passenger seat into the back and demanded him to "follow that horse" :D

Fortunately they all turned off into the carpark (about 1/4 mile up the lane) where I duly caught them, they obligingly all looked shame faced at their naughtiness, and led them back to the barn!

I certainly learned, never again, to trust them to put themselves in!

And then, of course, there is the story of "The Wrong Pony" but I am pretty sure I have told that one numerous times already ;)


Well-Known Member
29 November 2005
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Ok :D

We very tragically lost my kids pony at pony club camp and my daughter (probably about 6 at the time) didn't have a pony to ride for a while.

One day, driving down the lane, my daughter points to a little grey pony in a field and says she wants to start riding again. Well to me, all little grey ponies are Welsh A's - aren't they? I know the owner of the pony (bought for the grandchildren who visited about twice a year and weren't interested) so said I would phone owner and see if we can use the little grey pony.

Owner of pony is delighted that someone has taken an interest and we agree to meet at 2pm at the field and try the pony.

Daughter and I turn up, the owner hasn't arrived yet and we wait around, as time passes I find a headcollar and go to catch the pony. But on closer inspection, the little grey pony actually turns out to be an enormous Highland along with its goat companion!.

I catch the pony, fight off the goat and bring it in and tie it up.

Still the owner hasn't arrived. We find a grooming kit and start grooming the enormous grey Highland pony. Already I have realised that this is not going to work - my daughter's legs won't barely go round it! But the pony is soooooo sweet, and soooo docile my daughter has already fallen in love!!!

Still the owner hasn't turned up!

I hunt around for some tack but can't find any. My daughter has come to the conclusion that the owner has forgotten :( So, we leave the pony tied up and decide to jump in the car and go the owners house (down the lane in the village), about 50 yards down the lane I spot the owners car in a gateway!

I pull up, poke my head over the gate and there is the owner, with a little grey Welsh A pony tied up looking extremely bored!

The owner thought I had forgotten and was about to give up! I tell her that I already had a pony tied up in a yard up the lane :eek:

She tells me that the owner of the Highland is a right old Battleaxe and looks shocked!

I throw daughter at owner of little Welsh, jump back in the car, race up the lane, put Highland pony back in its field (still fighting the goat) and try to put everything back where I found it!!!!

I am absolutely sure that to this day, the owner of the Highland has absolutely no idea that I commandeered her pony!!! :eek:

To this day - almost ten years on, both ponies are still in the same fields and we very affectionately call them Misty 1 and Misty 2 although I have no idea what the Highland is actually called :D