The daftest thing you have done when you should know better....


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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Some of these have been brill. the best are those silly little things you know you should really bother to do properly, but it's always fine. sods law when you don't horse misbehaves.

Once picking out hooves of docile old anglo arab who i knew inside out, so was crouched down instead of bent over. Friend walked past and knocked me over, said horse stood on my hand! Luckily i had just put down a massive deep straw bed else i would have been in trouble.

Recently with a daft spooky 4 year old i have been getting ready to back. Was stood talking to farmer and she was sniffing his stationary digger. After about 10 min of this and her being very chilled i lent on her back whilst chatting. Sniffed different part of digger, shat herself and landed on my foot nearly breaking it. what a mess.

Same horse today being a wally so went and stood at gate to chat to her owner. Opened a can of sprite, horse spooked and nutted owner in face busting her nose. Feel awful!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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I bent down in front of my boy to clean his White sock before a show. he thought I was asking him to lift his foot and kneed me in the head.
cue seeing stars and a huge lump on my forehead. my work colleagues didn't stop sniggering when I went in for my shift the next day :(


29 May 2011
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One of mine happened today actually....

Gave my friends 3yo stroppy mare her feed bucket and turned to walk off. Tickled her bum on the way past, absentmindedly and froze as her hind leg came out, flew past my hip and she screamed at me. Very very lucky she only grazed me!

Clearly, doesnt like her bum being touched!


Well-Known Member
17 July 2009
South Wales
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The other thing I do is use a rope to keep my mare in her stable rather than close the door. She's watched me enough times lifting the rope above my head so she'll copy me by lifting it with her head and trot off to the grass verge.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Just remembered when I was about 17-18, at the riding stables....

I was last out to shut the gate on a ride, and tried to be clever, vaulted up onto a 14.2 pony...and ended up on my head the otherside....

Needless to say, everyone howled, and it's a good job I was on a 'steady eddie'.....



Well-Known Member
16 November 2008
What a great thread! So glad I'm not the only one who gets it wrong.

Worst riding one was attending local pony club meet, massive turnout of very keen children on equally excited ponies. About an hour in had to line up to jump a tiger trap either side of which was a huge bramble hedge, far too big to jump. Came to my turn and my pony, who was a fantastic hunter, took her que to go, locked onto the fence only to be cut up by a small child who's pony obviously thought it had waited long enough. I veered out of the way but the brakes weren't working so I figured I'd just head towards the huge hedge, that way she would stop......except she didn't....she went straight though it came out the other side without me. I remember being stuck in the hedge before gravity had its way and i landed in a muddy ditch at the bottom.
I wasn't the only casualty though, after a couple of hours the master asked the kids if they'd had enough (it was more of a plea at this point) to which she had lots of "no we havn't we want to jump more fences!" She gave them what they asked for and took them round the local team chase course, there was loose ponies every where.....nobody hurt and needless to say when asked again yes they had all had enough and wanted to go home!!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2010
central scotland
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I was taking off my ponies travelling bandages in the stable,and decided it would be quicker to squat behind her to undo the back ones.Got the second one half off when she kicked out,lifting me off the ground ,into the door and onto the yard on my bum!Was very glad I was close enough to be pushed instead of kicked. I have thrown the headcollar and rope after a game of "not coming in,but I'll make you think I am" more than once too.More recently my girl decided she wasn't coming in,and would avoid it by refusing to stand up. I tried pulling,I tried bribery,I tried moving her legs,and eventually I sat on her back and annoyed her(even though I had no hat).She got up,and promptly started to buck.I hadn't expected this,so decided to bail out and somehow staved my hand on the way off,even though I landed on my feet!


Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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Tried to change a dressing/bandage on my horse leg after imbibing a large quantity of wine :) Unfortunately when I leaned down gravity took over and ended up face first in the shavings giggling inanely. I thought better of it. Horse just sighed and resumed eating her hay.