The end of the horsebox and 4x4?


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Did you see QI? They were discussing Thomas Midgley, a brilliant scientist. It was he who worked his way through the periodic table to find an element which stopped engines 'knocking', and thus discovered lead in petrol doing the trick. He then went on to invent CFCs. So, scientists are not always right! Changes in the earth's climate are regularly brought about by sunspots. I am sick to death of being told to rcycle, use eco friendly lightbulbs, drive an electric car etc etc (all very laudable) when politicians make no attempt to preserve the environment on a global scale. Also, hybrid cars are far less green than usual cars, as the batteries have a short life and disposal costs are huge. I would love to see a politician or an MP trying to tow a trailer with a restless horse in windy conditions with a Toyota Prius!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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Here here Sooty!

Also didn't a recent study looking at the whole eco footprint of cars makes from research to scrapping show that a lot of the new hybreds are actually the most eco unsound? I know stats can be made to say whatever ever you want but it gives you food for thought doesn't it!

The Voice

Well-Known Member
10 June 2004
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The funny thing is that we are all encouraged to 'share' cars so instead of one person per car you get 3 or 4 per car to get to places, work etc and split the costs, yet when people want to 'share' horse transport to get to shows vets etc, they will have to have an operators licence otherwise this is illegal and the vehicles we have use more fuel????