The Morning Shift


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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I now put to all of you, would you travel for 30 mins (not too sure of mileage) to get to the yard for 6 am, JUST TO TURN OUT?? No rug changes or anything?
There is someone who will turn out for £1.
Is that just mental? If I was travelling that far to turn out, I would get up about 20 mins earlier and at least muck out!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Our liveries used to do that, some of them couldn't even drive so had to cycle here and we would have done it for £1. If I ever end up on livery I will be paying someone to do my horse n the mornings


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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I now put to all of you, would you travel for 30 mins (not too sure of mileage) to get to the yard for 6 am, JUST TO TURN OUT?? No rug changes or anything?
There is someone who will turn out for £1.

[/ QUOTE ] Sounds like a lot of unneccessary effort to me! Is it an over-protective owner who wants to check their darling has survived the night? Or do they not trust someone else to turn their horse out safely? Or perhaps they just love to see their ned every morning!


Well-Known Member
7 March 2006
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I used to pay £1.50 a day for feed and turnout until the person who did it zapped Baron with the electric fence (by accident of course), he reared, she went splat in the mud and now says she wont do him as he is to big for her to cope with. He is 16.3 and really laid back when going out to the field but I understand as she doenst really know him like I do and she has 30 odd others to do aswell.


Up at 6.45am, 20 min drive to yard, change his rugs (hes already been fed by first person who arrives at yard), he get a 5 min cuddle, turn out, leave yard about 7.50 and home for 8.

Work is only 5 min drive from home so not too bad. Oh and I dont do any other yard jobs in the morning as I HATE mornings.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2004
Essex (no comments please)
Defo NOT an overprotective mummy!!
Thing is, this person would rather go and do another hobby than come and sort her pony out!!


Well-Known Member
21 February 2006
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Travel: the bottom of the garden
Get there: between 7 and 7.30 depending on whether I ignore my alarm or not
What do I do: Give nag her hard feed, do quick skip out of stable. Put haynet and water in for the evening. Throw ned out with some hay.


Well-Known Member
10 July 2005
Mid Wales
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Travel 4 miles so it's about 7 minutes in the car
Get there at (waits to be lynched!) 8am
If they are out... Change rug on pony, change rug on horse, collect said two and take them to seperate fields. Shout at one to hurry up whilst shouting at the other to slow down (not really, they are mostly good but I do have to drag mine along behind the pony)
Turn out mine and head back to the yard, hopefully remembering to pick up the first pony's headcollar along the way.
Muck out mine, hay, water- head straight to work for 8:50 or 9.

If they are in then it's slightly more awkward

De-rug both, turn out mine and his boyfriend in the big arena.
Hay, water and muck out pony
Hay, water and muck out mine and make net up for the evening.
Stand and watch mine playing in the arena for 25 mins- going 'aww aren't they cheeky and playful' muse to myself that i'm going to be late, gather two big boys from the arena
leave for work and get there for 9:10 if i'm lucky!
Arrive at work and get greeted my office worker wondering 'what's that smell in the kitchen' own up that it must be me as i had two horses to muck out and i stink of pee
lucky it's a farmer's wife who is used to odd smells!


New User
20 December 2006
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I am new here and this is my very first post.

your person at your place sounds just like me, mental!
I drive a 20 min journey just to put my horse out in the field and then come back in the evenings to muck out and ride etc.
we have someone who will turn out for £1.50 but isn't actually reliable, like when it rains she won't turn out if she doesn't want to etc. and I like my horse to go out everyday so its just less problematic in the long run for me to do it myself.
I assume your person has finished her other hobby at some point and comes back to sort her pony out?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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How far do you travel?
Across the garden

What time do you get there?
7.30 after I've seen the child off to school

What do you do when you get there?
Feed and hay stabled boarder and goat. Feed and hay 4 others in the field. Go back in for coffee/muck out house, then turn out and skip out boarder about 9am.

Then grab chain saw and go and play lumberjack-the appeal is waning