The veterinary route in no longer an option...


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Thank you to everyone who replied to my previous post and I really appreciated all the PMs I got too.

I contacted the university yesterday and unless i have a science degree, I will have to have two science A Levels at A or B. As I do not have either, I would not be able to apply for the degree for two years and that would make me 31 when I qualified. I have to think realistically because it is £15,000 a year for tuition at Liverpool because I already have one degree. I do not know whether we can do without my wage until that time, and I also have to think that we might be wanting to start a family too which I know is important to both me and my husband.

I have decided to continue with the journalism and try to get as much freelance work as i can. The livery service I am hoping to set up should give me a small income but also the time to do some freelance writing too.

There is also a creative writing course at Manchester University (as an ex-alumni I get lots of information from them) which looks absolutely fantastic! I am trying to leave my options open for lady luck to step in if she feels like it. As they say, what will be will be!

Thank you again,



Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Well at least you now know the score.
Why not aim your journalistic career towards horses? H and H for instance must have vacancies or how about finding backers for a local free magazine?
We have an excellent one called Equestrian Now which is run by the former equestrian writer from the local paper.
It may be a much more satisfying path and you would have control apart from the backers..


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Thanks... It's hard because I have journalism qualifications but when I go for the jobs they say I do not have enough journalism experience. I have already done over eight weeks of work placement, and economically I just cannot afford to do any more free work.

The problem is, they don't class freelance as day to day journalism experience, so unless you are willing to work for nothing for a long time it is so hard to get in. If someone would just give me a chance, I know I could do a good job!



Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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Hi there - what a shame about the degree route- but as you say, taking the time and wage out of the equation is just not practical. I'd love to do some more qualifications in things like criminology, but with a MA already and bills to pay and a horse to feed it's not really very realistic!

BTW am also a journalist and unfortunately the equestrian sector pays quite poorly - they believe you are writing for the love of it! My bread and butter is media journalism which pays nearly three times as much. Juts did one feature for Horse, which was great fun but won't go far towards vets bills! Are there any other sectors you might be able to expand into and so get a better word rate?


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16 May 2005
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I never wanted to focus solely on equestrian as there are no publications up here and I am a bit loathed to move to London at this moment in time due to commitments I have up here in the North West.

I have been applying to all sorts of publications up here, and have been asked to think about freelance articles for a regional publication. It was the one I did not get the position at this week, but they are obviously interested in me to ask me to do that! Just keep at it maybe?


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8 July 2006
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I'm not sure what sort of journalism you do, but I place stories now rather than write them. I know a few journo's who have got in by finding one hell of a good story and then getting a job. Alternativly an increasing number here are coming in from PR jobs.

You got a PGDip? Join the Cipr and tart your way round some media events. Is best I can suggest.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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Concerned about not being qualified by 31 - if I pursue medicine and the specialty I am thinking I will not be qualified till 37, and will have over $150,000 of debt.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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If they are intersted in having you freelance rather than be in-house then the might be trying to save cash! But yes they are interested so get your ideas over to them and who knows where it might lead?

I was lucky in that I got into journalism without any journalistic qualifications, (a good degree in English though) and was living in London so there were jobs apenty. I took a junior job on an engineering mag, them moved through the ranks at that and then on to TV production technology mags before getting into the nice stuff of the TV business rather than tech.

I did go out of journalism for 18 months to do entertainment PR and did NOT have a great time! I did meet some nice people and work with some celebs, some of whom were awful and some truly lovely (Sienna Miller when she was nobody!). The thing is the journos are better treated then PRs - everyone wants the writer to say nice things, but if they end up writing something bad then the PR gets it! It was cos of this that I jacked in PR and went back into journalism, this time as a freelancer and that's what I'm still doing.

One tip might be that it you are located anywhere near Manchester, there is a massive TV production and post-production scene there, and the BBC are moving lots of work out of London to Manchester. If you can tap into that market you should be able to sell media pieces which pay better?

Or of course you could win the lottery - not this week though cos it's my turn...


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Thanks... all this is being taken on board!

G_T: I think it is a bit different when you have a huge mortgage and are starting to think about having a family. I am all for equal opportunities but I do think as a woman I have to think about when I want children.

I am going to try to do a bit of freelance and just try to get some really good article published to add to my already bulging portfolio. I have had articles published in quite a few magazines including HORSE and Cheshire Life.