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The time has come for getting the 2 yo baby camel out in hand to see a bit more of the world, but what to wear on my feet?! He’s affectionately called the baby camel as he lateral walks a bit so needs to get out a bit to improve his movement pattern too. The osteopath yesterday described him as having 15.2 hocks and knees on a 14.1 frame, so it’s hard for him to get everything in order. Anyways, the question is about footwear for me not for him. I’m terrible in that I tend to wear my trail shoes to take BBP out, or to do jobs at the yard in summer, but a gangly 2yo that puts his big feet in random places makes that feel like an even dumber idea. My other boots are steel toe capped mountain horse jod boots, but those aren’t ideal once we start building up distance. I wondered if anyone had suggestions for boots that give a bit of toe protection but are comfy enough to walk decent distances in or even jog in (that might be asking a bit much). Cheers!