Yup back this morning its brilliant to see them back, love them.
As for the mess I'd much rather have swallows poop around than the dreaded midge, they are something I'm not sad to see the back of
There was a thread in SB or sorry CR yesterday about them and I was worrying about ours not returning yet and the first one came in this morning when I'd just got my pony in from the field. Was so lovely to hear it come swooping in and a few more around this evening. V happy I keep a note of when they do arrive and leave and over 9 years they've hit 15th April several times - coincidence or clever timing?!
Im in cheshire. They weren't there last night, but were there this morning Sat in one of the stables until they saw my ugly mug & flew out. Their chicks are forever falling out of nests, so i have to keep my eye out for them on the floor & have a ladder at the ready to put them back in
This is such a lovely thread and amazing how they all travel together - I love seeing them all meet up when it's time to migrate but feel sad that they are off for the winter months.
You can just imagine them tweeting to each other - "this is our exit see you again in Autumn"
First one arrived here this morning but not seen any more yet. Promptly took the cover down off the spare stable (put up to keep the snow out!) so they can get in as they usually nest in there
I am looking forward to them reaching Aberdeenshire in a week or two and I don't care about the poo on the rugs, I love them to bits.
House martins are even more messy I believe but they are really struggling so anyone who has them please do be tolerant and allow them to stay as they really need every bit of help they can get.
Aw lovely thread & amazing how exact their timings are. We had our 1st little trio arrive yesterday (sun)....straight to the same boxes where they will happily poop over rugs & hay all summer. Love the little blighters tho..great time wasters watching them swoop about so close they're sometimes almost touching you..saddest time of year is when they depart :-(
Yes, they arrived at the yard on Saturday, I know because one of the girls wrote it in the diary! I think everyone is pleased to see them as it marks the end of a very long winter.
Two yesterday here in Suffolk and a lot of chirping and chortling when third showed up this morning. It is great to see them back - and about 14 left the yard last autumn so I am hoping for a few more by the end of the week. I love swallows!
i do like to see them but do think they have some cheek, they are not there half the year and carry on and make a right fuss when I want to do something and I am there all year -lol
Yes for me in Donnie surrounds too. I had millions last year and did some winter nest management evil person that I am to take them down to a mere 20 or so.
Ours appears to be lost en-route . Their window is open but no sightings as yet ... The stable is currently unoccupied ATM so no poo-stained rugs as it stands .....
One of mine arrived 3 days ago.. such a lovely sight.. pretty little birds! ok droppings all over the place and fledglings falling out of the nest but I love them