things that you hate!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Couldn't give a monkeys what anyone else wants to do with their horse unless its obviously cruel/ unfair or effects mine.
If you want to fully clip your retired shettie & dress it in a diamond encrusted rug I don't think it has sweet fa to do with me & I wouldn't give it a second thought.

People who complain about other people when it's really got bugger all to do with them what pink bows they put in their horses mane or that glitter hoof polish they like to use...

Agree with both of the above. There are some seriously intolerant people on this thread! I mean, being annoyed that someone else's Jacket isn't buttoned? Or that a pony has a pattern clipped on its bottom? :eek:

Your lives must be quite stressful if you're so easily annoyed!

Best post here:

Horsey people who spend far too much time judging others ;)


Holly Hocks

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1 March 2010
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Well my current pet hate is people who dump their muck right at the edge of the muckheap so you can't get your barrow up the ramp past it....fork it up for God's sake!! Just bloody laziness. (Can you tell I spent an hour sorting out the muckheap this morning?!)


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Live and let live, I say.

There are plenty of things on here that I wouldn't dream of doing and plenty that I do which would, apparently, annoy other people.

The one thing that does annoy me is when I slow down/pass wide in my car for horses and the rider doesn't bother to thank me. Especially when I have just seen said rider take her hands off the reins to wave to an acquaintance and horse just kept on going forwards.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
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I'm not perfect -I do lots on everyone's naughty lists- but my pet hate is...

People who hack but don't have regular lessons.

I had lessons from when I was about 5 until I got my boy when I was 18, both schooling lessons & out on hacks with an instructor. I haven't had a lesson since I got him and while I probably have a number of bad habits now, I am perfectly capable of taking him out & not killing myself, him or anyone else in the process.

I would be kicked out of most of your yards, thank god we have a private yard!

My pet hates are:

Not wearing a hat when riding
People who don't wear hi-viz when it's foggy/getting dark etc
People who don't put muck ON the muck heap but instead in front of it (we want it as small as possible - not taking over the whole yard)
People who empty their water buckets/wash their horses in the middle of the yard (we don't have concrete so it just ends up a muddy mess)
Rude drivers, I'm always polite, say thank you & stop to let you pass, is it too hard to say thank you to me?


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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people who use my stuff and don't put it back or people who use my stuff, break it an don't replace it

I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to get cross about, because it affects you directly and after all it's your stuff. But I don't understand the gripes people have about how other riders dress, turn out their horses, whether they have lessons, etc.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Fiona m12, can't quote but so agree, can't say i've ever paid any attention before reading this thread to stuff like that. I might notice, but in the same vague way I might notice the horses colour or breed.

Ollie's Mum

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10 March 2012
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Horses kept on their own. I think it's cruel and selfish (unless there is a really good reason).

Oh dear :( Sorry but I think that's a bit of a sweeping statement,. Sadly not all of us can afford to have more than one horse and should we automatically be branded as cruel and selfish? Mine is kept on his own and is the most content well balanced pony I've ever known, most definitely not depressed or stressed out in any way. We ride out every day in company and when he's grazing he sees other animals - and never panics or runs calling if other horses pass his field. I think he thinks of his stable as his own little private domain and probably wouldn't even give his grandmother so much as a sniff at his hay rack :p


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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Good grief :confused: I wonder if there would be so many replies to a thread about "things that you like"? ;)

I don't "hate" anything, but the word "hate" is banned in this house :) so I suppose I don't like it very much ;)

as sweet as hunni

Well-Known Member
6 December 2011
England, UK
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Gosh! I bet most people could not give a monkeys about sheep skin tack or riding in trackies, the only thing I will say is I dissagree with 'children riding ponies with gags', maybe the said child is still learning and he is a little forward going for her ?!? I mean when I had lessons when I was a beginner the RS ponies had gags in! And my horse has a gag in and I'm 14.... Does this mean I get a smacked bottom? :) hehe !


Well-Known Member
16 January 2012
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havent read all of this, but on the first page did someone say it bothers them that SOMEONE ELSES CHILDREN ARE WEARING BODY PROTECTORS? wow... just. wow. :eek::confused::confused::confused:

not overly fussed what everyone else does, after all they probably think my plain black bridle, plain black saddle pad, and plain back saddle are "boring" whereas i think its "smart".

i do get annoyed though when someone turns up after 10am to feed and muck out their horse, and then putting him back to bed 3pm, before writing all over fb how much they care for their horse. if you care that much, get your ass out of bed in the mornings!


Well-Known Member
5 August 2010
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havent read all of this, but on the first page did someone say it bothers them that SOMEONE ELSES CHILDREN ARE WEARING BODY PROTECTORS? wow... just. wow. :eek::confused::confused::confused:

I think she might mean on tiny lead rein ponies when the kid can't learn rising trot because they are in a massive body protector... or at least I hope that is what they mean :confused:

I HATE people riding without a hat - I just think it is stupid - my only fall from my horse (so far) was when he lost his footing!
I am also with all the people that said horses rugged in the sweltering heat especially when the owner says it's because they don't want the horse to grow a coat!!!!
I don't like horses who are over clipped - a happy hacker, ridden once a week doesn't need a full clip!


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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-People who interfere when its really not their buisness/ doesnt affect them what you do with your horse- i dont tell you what to do with yours so dont tell me what to do with mine.

-Yard Cliques featuring the "Queen Bee" and the cronies who worship the ground they walk on :rolleyes:

-Rude horses and owners who allow them to be rude then find it funny :mad:

-Pople who dont wear high viz or hats

-Car Drivers who dont slow down/ pass very close and ignore slow down/ stop signals.

-People who tell lies when you know full well that they didnt do what they are claiming to have done.

-People who "borrow" (aka steal!) your feed/ stuff without asking then break it or dont replace it/ put it back after

-Runners/ keepers not tucked in on bridles
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
26 December 2011
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Horses kept on their own. I think it's cruel and selfish (unless there is a really good reason).

my horse is kept in a field and his stable alone and hes more chilled than he was when with others!!!! i spend a hell of a lot of time with him and im neither cruel nor selfish!!!


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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Horses with their mane plaited over on the wrong side. Really gets me - don't care if it normally lies on the nearside but at least plait it on the correct side!!

That's it really - pretty easy going me ;)


Well-Known Member
5 August 2010
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I think they're unwise, but it's their lives, and their heads. I don't feel it concerns me.

Although it would devastate their family to be sat in intensive care hoping they wake up just wishing they'd simply worn the hat that was sat in the tack room.

Sorry, massive hate of mine having sat in the QE in Birmingham hoping my mum would wake up! :( That was just off a push bike & thankfully she did but it is something that she has never got over!

Ollie's Mum

Well-Known Member
10 March 2012
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Remember the days when hats just had a bit of elastic to hold them on? I used to ride out with a lady who was thrown off and had suffered brain damage after a car hit her horse from behind - the bit of elastic wasn't enough to keep the hat on her head. Yes she still carried on riding (with her hat firmly fastened on with a harness) but no she wasn't able to have a normal independant life - riding out with her and hearing her telling you calmly what had happened to her was enough to make you sure your hat was on firmly believe me. It was very very sad.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
Droopy bling browbands, they're horrible
Hair left loose under a hat
Girls who ride with a full face of slap - you're not going clubbing
The term 'matchy matchy' makes me just a little bit angry.

But each to their own!
10 March 2012
Anything that I consider "non-traditional" - I like my traditionality ;)

  • Coloured tack is simply the worst abomination to human kind.
  • Jodphurs/breeches in pink/zebra print.
  • BPs worn under riding clothes simply because it looks really silly!

Just a few items ;) xxx