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I know this topic has been done to death, but I was just looking for some opinions and advice rather than a definite answer. I have 2 males, A very dominant 3 year old chihuahua who’s been neutered and a 2 year old Anxious/submissive Pomchi who hasn’t been neutered. The chihuahua is clearly the pack leader and is fairly reserved with other dogs, however the Pomchi is very playful and energetic but also very submissive and anxious, hence why I’ve avoided getting him neutered as the vet and others suggested getting him neutered Could do more harm than good due to his personality. I’m getting a third dog who’ll be a puppy, in the coming weeks. Initially my preference to the breeder was for a male however I’ve noticed that the Chihuahua, who’s usually quite reluctant to befriend other dogs has taken a liking to other female dogs on walks etc. But he will never do that with other male dogs. He even plays with my friends female Staff but he doesn’t even really play with my other male Pomchi. The Pomchi isn’t too fussed as he’ll get along with anyone, even though he isn’t neutered he doesn’t really even try to mount female dogs for example my friends female staff. Pablo probably tries more than he does even though Pablos neutered. So I’m begging think, do they actually prefer female dogs and would they get along better with a female puppy? As the Chihuahua took quite a few weeks to adjust to the Pomchi at first and even now he’s not exactly playful with him, just very bossy, yet with the females he’s a lot more friendly? The third puppy will be a Pomsky. Thanks !