This is not manipulated this is called ..You name it...


Well-Known Member
16 March 2011
King's Lynn
I think i just want to cry. Feel so sorry for EG, not only to have the horse of a lifetime taken away but then for this to happen too...
Totalis doesn't look settled with MR and certainly has lost a lot of his sparkle and flair.
Whose up for big fund raise to buy him back and put him where he rightfully belongs :) *Jokes* Don't think even the force that is HHO could raise that much!!



Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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Thank heavens for that! I watched it, but didn't know which was which. I wanted Edward to be the one on the right and they seemed more together, but I am a complete dunce about these things, so was left wondering.

(This is where someone says No, it's the other way round lol :cool::eek::rolleyes::D)

haha, you can see at the begining and end Matthias' name comes up on the left hand side ;) ;)
Last edited:


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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haha, you can see at the begining and end Matthias' name comes up on the left hand side ;) ;)

Ah, missed that *takes dunces hat and sits in corner of forum*:rolleyes::eek:

Has anyone seen what action, if any, the owners of the piece are going to take?

Here's a probably very silly question, but if the horse was very practiced in the floor plan one way, would he do better or worse with it being mirrored; would it be a new series of moves, or would it confuse him?


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20 August 2002
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Blimey!! It does make me feel sad too :( When the two tests are side by side like that you can clearly see how better he went for Edward. M almost seems to hold him back slightly?

Someone said Edward should have kept him for the Olympics, I agree... Then retire the horse


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22 January 2010
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Several big names went to try the horse after PS bought- and turned down the ride- after sitting on the horse. MR is a confident lad and took on the challenge.

PS had bought the horseshortly after Windsor, and he has has got it all figured out right- he LEASES the horse to MR and connections, and the old owners still have part breeding rights to the horse.

It takes about 18mnths to learn to ride from scratch a horse trained by someone else, and in fairness considering the pressure he is under I think he is doing a pretty good job. so much has changed for the horse, and both need time to develop a partnership. Imagine how intense the work must be to get the practise in at home for them at the moment?! He was entered at several GP 's over the last few months and kept being withdrawn last minute as they just wernt ready

And whilst I can't imagine how EG must feel, he is being very smart by sitting quietly. Regardless of how much he misses the horse etc etc, he would of done very well out of the sale and he has the added satisfaction of watching. Best thing he can do is find another good-un and prove it wasnt all the horse.

HOWEVER to copy the floor plan is pretty low and cannot be justified with anything other than an apology by MR and connections


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9 January 2007
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i think it is in a certain state in America... ;) ;)

Considering the Americans don't even let all their consenting adult citizens marry . . . ;)

Anyhoo, if the horse's connections didn't buy the rights to the freestyle then presumably the door is open to legal action. I do find it bizarre that such clued up business people would take such a risk but perhaps it either never occurred to them or they just felt no one would make a fuss.

This is all completely separate from the horse being sold though. Good horses with great partnerships get sold all the time, sometimes it works out sometimes not so much. I'd say the boy has got a set for trying and who knows how it will all work out. It's an invaluable experience for him.

I'm sure Gal will find another one, after all he made a top class horse before. (And sold it.) And he now has been bought a horse that someone else produced to Small Tour. The world goes around . . .


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6 September 2010
Wendover, Buckinghamshire
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Bitchiest forum I've ever seen. They really have it in for Rath.

Mirroring the floor plan is a really s**tty thing to do, regardless of who it is.
The one thing I did notice was Toto actually moves like a WB now, rather than an over excited Iberian in a Spanish walk.
Considering how much pressure Rath is under, and regardless of stolen floor plans, he does ride him very well.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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Blimey charlie!! I was not expecting that!! :eek: What a blatant rip off!

The geeky law student in me is very curious as to whether there'll be legal action :eek: Generally speaking you couldn't pay me enough to study IP, but that case would interest me.


Well-Known Member
18 February 2011
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Some extreme bumpage here but I'm only just getting to watch this, and would very much like the opportunity to be as appalled as everyone else, but the link's not working - is it me, or is it not working for anyone else?!

(I feel like one of those people who complained about Sachsgate after reading how offensive it was, toddling off to listen to it, then getting offended :p)


Well-Known Member
8 February 2009
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I really don't know what to say! That is honestly shocking! I wonder what will happen now?

Must be utterly soul destroying :(



Well-Known Member
18 October 2010
West Sussex
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Thanks for posting those links, the lawyers beat me to it last time!

I too really feel for MT, if he does well it's all because of the horse and if he does badly it's because he's a crap rider. Poor bloke can't win.

After reading that article HH did on him when he first got the ride I really wanted to like him, sure he's well off but many are in dressage. I got the feeling that he was a good bloke who's taking whatever opportunities that he can....fair enough. And yet there's still this part of me that really doesn't like him having Toto, and after seeing that video i'm now erring that way again. I used to get goose bumbs watching that horse, but now he just looks like another dressage horse. He's lost that sparkle completely. Of course MT hasn't had Toto for that long and it takes time to build a partnership, I just really hope they get it before the general public/media loose interest in dressage once more. EG and Toto managed to get dressage the coverage it's been screaming for and it would be a real shame for that to disappear.

As for using the same floor plan-MASSIVE FAIL. Why set yourself up to be scrutinised second by second on the same horse with one of the best dressage rider in the world?