im against hunting. i dont see the fun in seeing a fox chased for miles til it can run no more then ripped into shreds. I would rather see them shot, at least they dont know anything about it. How would you like your horses chased for miles and miles til they could run no more, then ripped into shreds???!!!!!
you should know why you are against so go with that as it will be the basis of your arguement. YOu do need to know about the pros though so that your arguements are valid and based on what is going on. If youj understand the pro side and stil remain anti then you should have a good debate.
Personally, I am somewhat stuck in the middle, being neither if you want it so black and white. I know that culling foxes in highly populated rural areas with dogs is the best, quickest and most effective way to do it. But I do not see any need that I should enjoy being part of this deed on horseback. Therefore, you could say I am anti blood sport but pro hunt.