Thoughts on Badders XC...


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
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With regards to MK and her change of riding - do you not think it could be to do with her age? Shes nearly 50, has been riding for years and had some bad falls (including a fractured neck). Suppleness is probably not what it was and maybe her nerve too?

This is a very interesting thread, seeing everyones observations and the comments about the male riders are so funny. I wonder if any of them might read this?!


Well-Known Member
4 June 2008
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As far as Mary King and bitting is concerned, I thought IC looked very very strong in the show jumping and I'm sure we'd all agree that no-one wants to be out of control on the cross country.

I think a lot of the riders have forgotten how to ride traditional fences, like the corners. Its about time they had to ride them and not just assume the horse can bank if it gets in trouble. I remember a few years ago when they put the upright gate in at Burghley and it caused so many problems but now they have learnt to ride them properly.

I thought Badminton lacked the atmosphere of previous years. However, that said, for the first time in ages, the XC had a proper effect on the result, no one can say it was a cross country competition, which was weird because it didn't look a hugely problematic course (no more so than usual).

I saw some less experienced riders ride beautifully, I thought Mark Todd was amazing (saw him at Colt Pond and Hexagon Hedges) - is it possible that some pro riders were a bit blase about the course whilst others took it a bit more seriously? Or that they had half an eye on the WEGs?

Do you think that the failure of some of our 'top' riders to complete or be placed will affect team selection? I don't think it will but I'd like to see some of the younger riders or less capped riders ride as individuals at some point.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2008
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I was gripped as ever by the XC but I felt strangely anti-climatic afterwards too. Thoroughly enjoyed Mary King's first round, Emily on Pardon Me, Tony Warr on Coolgrange Merger - that horse seems such a love, was gutted for Ruth and Tina, Francis' round was superb until that really odd fall at the steps - so undeserved!


Well-Known Member
18 August 2009
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Agree with Abbie29, it looked to me that some riders have got too used to filled in corners (with a nice plant pot to stop the horse jumping the widest point and thus giving the rider a clear point to aim at). The corners were on a slight curve (for those watching on TV, as it looked straight on there but in real life it wasn't). They didn't seem to be certain on their lines. Some rode it brilliantly, others didn't.

I do think some of the riders have lost the knack of forward riding as well, saw quite a few fiddling for strides before what should have been straightforward fences (like the shooting butt).

However others did impress, Mark Todd the ultimate as ever. Andrew Nicholson saw on the first horse through the shogun hollow. Horse seriously backed off the first part, but Andrew just sat up, kept legs on (no flapping) and the horse went on a half stride, he really had to ride to that corner but again, it was strong legs and forwards (no pulling, hooking or flapping) that got them over.

I thought it was a good course that had been underestimated. The going looked super considering the weather in the last few weeks.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Agree with Abbie29, it looked to me that some riders have got too used to filled in corners (with a nice plant pot to stop the horse jumping the widest point and thus giving the rider a clear point to aim at). The corners were on a slight curve (for those watching on TV, as it looked straight on there but in real life it wasn't). They didn't seem to be certain on their lines. Some rode it brilliantly, others didn't.

Agree with this too. Some earlier riders just did not seem to take the corners seriously enough and came in on a curving line which did not improve their chances. It's no good WFP saying the horse could not see where it's meant to be going; that's his job surely, after all, he is the pilot, it was up to him to steer the correct course or have I missed the bit where horses have been fitted with automatic pilot buttons now?

I thought it was a good course that had been underestimated. The going looked super considering the weather in the last few weeks.

It was also a refreshing change that the cross country did have a huge impact over the results, that it wasn't just a dressage competition because Badminton deserves to still be known as a tough competition with worthy winners - as PT was; he deserved every inch of that result.

The unluckiest by far for me was Francis; that was a copy book round, a pleasure to watch; I was so sorry for them, they didn't deserve that particularly as Percy did jump up the step after him too. I do hope he's back next year fitter and stronger to show us how it should be done again.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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This is a very interesting thread, seeing everyones observations and the comments about the male riders are so funny. I wonder if any of them might read this?!

Mr Tapner already knows I am a crazed stalker - I used to have 'founder member of the Paul Tapner appreciation society' in my sig (with appropriate photos) and someone came on here from Australia who kept their horse at his parents farm over there to ask what it was all about :D:D:D

I was soooooo embarrased :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
16 January 2010
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I am just watching the highlights now :D Those people who have commented on Mary King, which horse/fences in particular are you referring to? I'm not asking to provoke argument but out of interest, as the contact looked fine to me (although I confess to knowing very little about it!) and I thought she was very determined and did well to get over the jumps which were a bit hairy. I don't think Louise Skelton is on the highlights so can't see her round.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2008
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I really enjoyed Badminton this year, i thought the fact it wasnt just a dressage competition this year was fab. I thought Lenamore, springalong and Buzz were fantastic to watch. I also thought Emily Llewelyn & Emily Galbraith rode super rounds and Frances & Ruth were so unlucky to fall after going so great. Cant wait to get my Burghley tickets booked now.. :)


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6 November 2003
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As a quick warning I know that WFP has an account!

It would be very silly indeed to think that top riders do NOT monitor this forum, they all look, and as professionals they should take all crit on board. They know they are welcome to make any comments they so desire, same as the rest of the general public :D

Event rider

Well-Known Member
25 March 2010
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I thought the course looked slightly easier than previous years, prehaps coz of the safety aspect. I thought Mary Kings round was a bit touch and go-especially at the hexagon hedge-but well ridden and recovered-you coud tell she really wanted it . Shogans hollow looked more inviting this year aswell-but I def think there should only be a white flag on the corner fence, sharon hunt sat really well when tankers town jumped the wide bit on the left hand side of the red flag, its a real shame seems like she jumped the fence it shouldnt be counted as a refusal. But atleast the bugar went into the start box this year!!
The farm yard caused alot of probs, think sum ppl rode shocking lines and were lucky. WFP on macchiato jumped the second part wrong because the corners were pretty awful, and the horse locked onto the wrong part and when alex hua tian and jeans fell, it looked painfull.
Bit gutted I missed Lenamore jump-super horse -goes just like a bouncy ball :p


Well-Known Member
11 April 2008
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I got back yesterday after spending the whole 5 days camping on site. Had a fab time but was very much dampened by the loss of Desert Island :-(

Some of the riders were extremely scary to watch. Louise Skelton looked like a novice - totally overhorsed and very much reliant on reins for balance. She looked awful in the dressage but was terrifying to watch her X-C :mad:

Nick Gauntlett should have pulled his horse up - OK he went on to finish clear and be placed but his horse was utterly exhausted in the last part of the X-C course and it could have ended in tragedy, he barely scraped over the last few fences.

I was extremely impressed with Daisy Dick (OK Berkely but she's still Dick to me!) and her wonderful horse Spring Along, also glad that Lenamore got a good placing - what a fab horse :-D Emily Llewellyn road beautifully in all 3 phases and well deserved her placing, I'm sure she has a very bright future ahead of her.

I felkt very sorry for the german rider who was in the lead after the dressage, one stupid mistake on the X-C took him right out of the running. His dressage test was an absolute delight to watch, one of the best eventing dressage tests I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2008
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fwiw in the interviews part of the t.v. programme now, on, MK said that her worst habit is "leaning back, sometimes a little too much"... ;)
just noticed that Nicola Wilson rides Buzz in a snaffle with flash noseband, v interesting... he'd be one of the boldest on the planet (nothing else went through the water on 3 then 2 strides!) but she doesn't feel tempted to bit him up more... fascinating.

FWIW I was just flicking through an old H&H in the tub, think it was the 07 one when Headley Brit won, and Buzz was in a pelham.



Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
Near belvoir castle
I would just like to say that when camilla speirs and portersize just a jiff came through the finish line she looked sooooo happy :D and so she should. She rode such a lovely round. And I wish them loads of luck for the coming seasons


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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I havent read many of the replies but I thought Badminton was really good this year. I thought it looked like more of a good old fashioned XC test, proper eventing. All 3 phases were influential but none over-rode any of the others.
I hate it when it becaomes a dressage competition.. so boring. As a spectator I loved the thrills and spills and the 'gosh I didn't think THAT was going to happen!!' Isnt that what its meant to be about?