Well-Known Member
I'll try and keep it short, but would like your thoughts please. Farrier and vet both due over later today.
12 weeks ago (or so) I decided to let the PRE go barefoot...he moves so much better without shoes. All well until 2 weeks ago he turned up lame. Vet thinks it's either an abscess brewing or a deep bruise. Farrier turns up later that day and finds a deep bruise. Poultice and rest for a few days, then I padded out his foot and put a sturdy hoof boot on an turn him out for a few hours every day....all well. Ive been intermittently trotting him up on the soft arena surface and he's been getting better and better. Trotted him up this morning (on the arena) - all sound so thought I have a sit on him and he was instantly about 4/10 lame again in trot. So sound 'in hand' but lame under saddle. I'm not really sure what to think... abcess brewing as a result the bruise?( but surely he'd be lame 'in hand ' too). Ive got the vet over later, but I cant help fearing the worse.......what do we think? Thank you all in advance.
12 weeks ago (or so) I decided to let the PRE go barefoot...he moves so much better without shoes. All well until 2 weeks ago he turned up lame. Vet thinks it's either an abscess brewing or a deep bruise. Farrier turns up later that day and finds a deep bruise. Poultice and rest for a few days, then I padded out his foot and put a sturdy hoof boot on an turn him out for a few hours every day....all well. Ive been intermittently trotting him up on the soft arena surface and he's been getting better and better. Trotted him up this morning (on the arena) - all sound so thought I have a sit on him and he was instantly about 4/10 lame again in trot. So sound 'in hand' but lame under saddle. I'm not really sure what to think... abcess brewing as a result the bruise?( but surely he'd be lame 'in hand ' too). Ive got the vet over later, but I cant help fearing the worse.......what do we think? Thank you all in advance.