Thoughts on Flexee Tree saddles

22 October 2015
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Looking for some information on Flexee tree saddles, currently looking for a saddle for for a 15'1hh mare with moderate wither, wide - but not quite as round as native types.
Was looking at Ideal, Falcon and similar saddles, but a flexee tree saddle came up.
Also if you have any recommendations on saddles?
Ideally I'd look into having one fitted but the more reputable fitters aren't travelling out to the area in Ireland unfortunately.


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21 April 2007
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I have an HM Flexee. Been using them for about 5-6 years now, after both treed and treeless. They don't work on real barrel types but seem to do well on types like yours. Currently using one on my Dales. She is only 5 and still developing. She went up to the widest gullet plate and we are now gullet free as per the original style Flexee. She does have a wither and some "shape" though. Goes really well in it and a noticeable improvement on removing the gullet plate. I have one front shim on each side instead. Stable enough that I have done away with the breast plate.

I really like them, although some people seem to hate them. Possibly not one for riders with a chair seat.
22 October 2015
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Interesting! I've never tried them so a bit weary. I'm not really sure what way she's bred but definitely a trotter cross. As a result she has quite a large shoulder. The saddles I've tried far are either too narrow or the slip to the side, so she's proving a difficult fit.