Tia back to the vet tomorrow- high maintenance tortoise


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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I'm sorry to hear your worrying updates. But even though the talk about a guarded prognosis, maybe the vet have seen worse cases who still ended well, and that's why they didn't call you during surgery. Either way, there's nothing strange with you missing a tortoise this much. Tia might "just" be a tortoise, but she's your tortoise. Love is love, and in times like this, love hurts.



Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
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I'm sorry to hear your worrying updates. But even though the talk about a guarded prognosis, maybe the vet have seen worse cases who still ended well, and that's why they didn't call you during surgery. Either way, there's nothing strange with you missing a tortoise this much. Tia might "just" be a tortoise, but she's your tortoise. Love is love, and in times like this, love hurts.


I’m hoping thats the case. I’ve prepared myself that i’ll be losing her today, but if the vets can assure me they have similar cases recover and they can keep her pain free until the results come back, then I might be persuaded to give her until then.

Unfortunately I’m working today and I can’t afford to cancel any dogs (particularly not with this bill now looming) so I wont be able to go and say goodbye if it comes to it and they can’t keep her over the weekend as they dont have anyone there so she has to leave today- one way or the other.
My Dad can collect her and bring her home if we are going to keep going until the results are back.


Have Marmite, will travel
12 November 2017
South Oxfordshire
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I’m hoping thats the case. I’ve prepared myself that i’ll be losing her today, but if the vets can assure me they have similar cases recover and they can keep her pain free until the results come back, then I might be persuaded to give her until then.

Unfortunately I’m working today and I can’t afford to cancel any dogs (particularly not with this bill now looming) so I wont be able to go and say goodbye if it comes to it and they can’t keep her over the weekend as they dont have anyone there so she has to leave today- one way or the other.
My Dad can collect her and bring her home if we are going to keep going until the results are back.
My thoughts are with you x


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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Only just seen this, hope it’s something that can be managed so she can be with you for a long time. It’s just as upsetting with small animals and very understandable that you are upset. Good luck


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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The vet rang me this morning. Tia is lively this morning and mooching about, which they are pleased with as most tortoises are sluggish after a GA (she was like this last time too).

I voiced my concerns about the size of the liver and the impact on Tia’s welfare. The vet assured me that livers absolutely can reduce in size and that Tia’s bloods only show one elevated enzyme, that is a big positive. She is positive that Tia isn’t in any pain, more has a feeling of fullness. I explained I was worried about the ethics of tube feeding her, given this, but the vet said we will build it up so slowly that it shouldn’t be an issue.

If it is fatty liver disease, it is nutrition and diet that will help sort it (along with liver support meds), so food really is needed at the moment. She said that Tia will feel a lot better now because we can get pain meds in her too, so if she was feeling discomfort, shes probably in a better situation now that feeding tube is in.
She said if she was hers, she absolutely would give her until the results come back. So we have a bit of a plan and I feel a bit happier, though I am under no illusion that her long term prognosis is very guarded.
My dad is collecting Tia at 11am to bring her home with all her meds.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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The vet rang me this morning. Tia is lively this morning and mooching about, which they are pleased with as most tortoises are sluggish after a GA (she was like this last time too).

I voiced my concerns about the size of the liver and the impact on Tia’s welfare. The vet assured me that livers absolutely can reduce in size and that Tia’s bloods only show one elevated enzyme, that is a big positive. She is positive that Tia isn’t in any pain, more has a feeling of fullness. I explained I was worried about the ethics of tube feeding her, given this, but the vet said we will build it up so slowly that it shouldn’t be an issue.

If it is fatty liver disease, it is nutrition and diet that will help sort it (along with liver support meds), so food really is needed at the moment. She said that Tia will feel a lot better now because we can get pain meds in her too, so if she was feeling discomfort, shes probably in a better situation now that feeding tube is in.
She said if she was hers, she absolutely would give her until the results come back. So we have a bit of a plan and I feel a bit happier, though I am under no illusion that her long term prognosis is very guarded.
My dad is collecting Tia at 11am to bring her home with all her meds.

A very cautious tiny little yay! At least there's some hope, fingers crossed.



Well-Known Member
9 June 2009
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A tentative yay from me also, I was thinking about her whilst walking my dog this morning and that at least you can get meds in with the feeding tube in place, come on Tia, you can do this.
Just out of curiosity did the vet give any reason for the fatty liver, only you said you had been using reptoboast & I use this for Dougal when he comes out of hibernation, just wanted to make sure it's not too rich for them as Dougs is getting rather old now even for a torty


Beware... My Plants...
19 October 2022
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Some cautiously positive news about Tia. Sending good vibes that a management program can be developed.


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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A tentative yay from me also, I was thinking about her whilst walking my dog this morning and that at least you can get meds in with the feeding tube in place, come on Tia, you can do this.
Just out of curiosity did the vet give any reason for the fatty liver, only you said you had been using reptoboast & I use this for Dougal when he comes out of hibernation, just wanted to make sure it's not too rich for them as Dougs is getting rather old now even for a torty

If it is fatty liver, they think it started last summer when she went off her food because she had follicular stasis. The same liver enzyme was raised then, but they just thought it was due to the anorexia and that it would sort itself out once she started eating again. Unfortunately it looks like it may have done some lasting damage.

She’s back home now with a load of medication and food for her tube, so I’m on nursing care again twice a day.

Here she is having a bask when she got home (the black wire is just the temperature probe that measures how warm the floor is under her basking area)



Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
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We didn’t have a great day today and I feel dreadful about it. I’m really regretting the vets talking me into trying.
I gave Tia her meds and her low dose of food very slowly then popped her back in her enclosure. About 10 minutes later I heard a horrible noise and she was being sick everywhere. It was coming out of her nose aswell. It was awful. Fortunately she did stop in the end but this was my fear, that there is no room in her at all for any food due to the size of her liver.
Vets aren’t open again now until Tuesday so I’m just going to give her her meds and no food at all tomorrow and will ring them on Tuesday morning.
Today I wished more than anything that they had called me while she was on the table 😞 I feel like the worst mum.


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I gave Tia her liver meds today and she coped. A few hours later I gave her 1.5ml of food. So far she’s kept it down. She’s meant to be on 5ml twice a day today but yesterday she didn’t keep down even 4ml.
I’m ringing the vet first thing in the morning. It’s heartbreaking to see her like this.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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@scats please don't beat yourself up, it sounds like you listened to the vet and made the best decision at the time with the information that was available. It is abundantly clear from your posts that you love Tia and always try to do the best for her, even when that is difficult for you.

I don't know much about tortoises, but could the vomiting just be a blip? Obviously dogs can vomit without being terribly ill, whereas with humans vomiting generally means you are unwell. It is good news that she has managed to keep a little bit of food down today, hopefully she will be comfortable until you are able to speak to the vets tomorrow and decide on the best course of action.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2009
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So sorry to read your latest update, but try not to be so hard on yourself, you are being guided by the experts and doing your very best, this has been a learning curve, now you know the recommended dose is too high, so are trying a lower dose and maybe you will have to adapt and do smaller feeds but more frequently while she recovers, she is one lucky tortoise to have you in her corner


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2 May 2011
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Good that she coped with the meds and then a little bit of food. Sounds like something is definitely better than nothing. Fingers crossed that she continues to keep everything down. It’s horrible when our pets are ill as you feel so responsible but she is really lucky to have you. Hang on in there, I hope vets are reassuring tomorrow and she makes a recovery. ❤️


Well-Known Member
6 December 2004
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I know absolutely nothing about exotics but is it possible to give her the food in smaller amounts spaced out over the day if she coped with 1.5ml? 2ml every 4 or 5 hours? Sort of trickle feeding

She sounds like she is in good hands in your care, you obviously love her